PG-13 | 13 September 2008 (USA)
Keith Trailers

Natalie is high school royalty, but her queen bee status falls apart when she falls for the new guy at school. Although Keith ignores her at first, they soon become friends -- even though Natalie suspects that Keith has something to hide. As the free-spirited Keith shows Natalie how to embrace what life offers, they grow closer -- until a secret tests the bounds of their relationship

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Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
dasha-kush-master (Potential spoiler in reference to similar movies)As many others have pointed out, the movie is quite simple and linear. Yet, in this case, it is a feat rather than a failure. Due to this, the attention of the viewer is never redirected towards insignificant events or characters - everything: every scene, gesture, word and phrase matter. None of them are fillers, which are nowadays so widely used in movies, simply to capitalize on screen time. No. This movie is out to simply tell you this story - nothing else. Take of it what you will, but I guarantee that you will be feeling some sort of strong emotion - whether it be happiness, disappointment, disillusionment, sadness...Yet that is what the movie is really about. Feelings, emotions, thoughts, deliberations... both conscious and subconscious. Seeing the world from a different perspective. Which is another thing worth mentioning. The second time you watch this movie, you will no longer be thinking what you did on the first go. Keith will no longer be the 'edgy and obnoxious kid, whom the screenwriters purposefully over-dramatized to appeal to the younger audience.' Believe me. "Yay, another 10 Things I Hate about you/fault in the stars/now is good" were essentially my first thoughts. (Great movies (minus TFIOS)), but can't really compare oranges and potatoes.) Very well executed and well acted, as well as fun to watch. Nothing to complain about besides the questionable character interactions/the occasional less-than- necessary scene. Definitely one of my favorite 'romances' (if you can call it that, as rom is not the primary focus here); right up there with Jeux d'Enfants. So just do yourself a favour and watch it, preferably with an open mind (as I'm sure this style and type of film doesn't appeal to everybody).
marina_simakova The movie has its merits - clever lines and good actors, some interesting details and situations.But it is not romantic at all, I find it rather just dark and disturbing. Keith is cruel and manipulating Nathalie, playing with her feelings and abusing her trust. He is of course not an exception, teenager universe is often made up of such patterns. But if somebody behaving like that, other party can just rebel and walk out finding self respect, try to forget it all and start from the scratch with her life. But here, due to the huge drama in the situation, Keith's illness, Nathalie can not really walk out and go on pursuing him and in the same time destroying everything in her life she was working so hard for. And at the end - driving the truck into some unknown place. Is she really following her dreams? Or due to guilt and masochism, trying to live somebody's life after he is gone?
Nicolae Dumitrascu Most of all I like the existential implications of the story. I like how she- Natalie- is saved from a ready-made destiny by her encounter with a boy whose "limit is the sky" (the thanatic, tragic sense of this stereotypic phrase is apparent only later in the movie). I like how Natalie lets herself transformed by her love for Keith. I like her strength to unconditionally surrender to a relationship that is fatally marked by closure even before it starts. I like that her love actually saves Keith as well from his loneliness and anger with the world and gives him a last chance to fully experience the most extraordinary thing that can happen to a human being: love and connectedness.
Abhipriyo Dev Boy likes 'out of league' girl movies have been made now and then. But this one is different. Boy likes 'out of league girl', girl has her perfect life in front of her, then boy stalks into her life and from then on her life is not the same. What adds charm to the movie is the sophisticate character of Keith (played brilliantly by Jesse McCartney), the male lead. He has charm, has street smart style,artistic approach and is passionate about his truck. On top of that, he is deep mysterious. On the other hand Miss Anderson (played by Elisabeth Haronis), the female lead is the flavor of the movie. She who seems to have a sorted out life but is largely in a mess and Keith is to be blamed for it. The story is well-written-presented with beautiful scenes and a nice ending. However, the role of supporting characters could have been more.On the whole, this is a must watch teenage love film which you won't forget for some time. 7/10 stars.