Dakota Skye
Dakota Skye
| 14 March 2008 (USA)
Dakota Skye Trailers

For as long as she could remember, Dakota Skye has been cursed with a super power. She has the ability to see the truth in any lie she hears. From small, harmless white lies, to the more devious kind, they have come from the people that she should trust the most; her family, friends and teachers. These lies have snowballed, leading to her becoming bitter and apathetic towards the world around her.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Michelle Manning With an intoxicating screenplay, Dakota Skye really drew me in. The heroine's detachment from motivation and cynical awareness of anything false drew me in via personal relation. Though the execution of the movie was a little off, the screenplay and characters made up for it. With a little patience, I truly appreciated this movie. The concept is unique and I loved witnessing Dakota resolve a series of common faults. The movie had a rugged style I found myself connecting with. It had a familiar "slow film" feel to it, but was far from boring and nothing short of interesting. Definitely an independent film worth watching, and definitely deserving of the Phoenix Film Festival award for screenplay. The writers behind this movie did a fantastic job.
Luke Goldstein (goldwriting) There are few times as a movie watcher when you get to be there at the beginning. By the time a directors name gets tossed into the open arena of critics and fans alike, they have already created a handful of theatrical visions and you find yourself scouring Netflix or Blockbuster trying to walk backwards through their cinematic resume. Well, this is one of those few times where you can say you were there when. In a small number of years you can act snobby at parties and brag about how you saw this feature length debut years before anyone knew about the following successes. What's better than having intellectual ammo at the ready to feel superior about? Not much.Let's talk about the movie first, before we get into the behind the scenes masterminds. Dakota Skye is a superhero tale with a twist. Dakota is a young girl, only medium cute (a line from the movie, which is terribly inaccurate) and she has a secret power. No one can lie to her. Anytime someone distorts the truth around her, their real meaning and honest thoughts appear in front of her like subtitles in a foreign film. You might think this would be a great power to have, but once you start realizing how much people lie and what they really feel about you, life can seem pretty bleak. This is where Jonah comes in, a pleasant tinged stoner who seemingly never tells a lie. Meeting Jonah throws Dakota's world into a spin because there are only two answers, either her powers don't work on him or he really is the last honest person on Earth. Let the teenage confusion and angst begin! The movie is really centered around the relationship between Dakota and Jonah, which places a large amount of the success on the shoulders of Eileen Boylan (as Dakota) and Ian Nelson (as Jonah). Thankfully both step up to the task. The chemistry on screen helps the audience sink into their world, reminding us about that time when we met the first person who got underneath all our walls and social defenses. Eileen shuffles her scuffed jeans and worn-in Chucks through a performance balanced between one part slacker, one part dreamer and one part trail blazer. Top off with a dash of jaded teenager forced to grow up too fast and you have the incarnation of Dakota. Her adorable presence on screen and earnest moments really center the film and keep the audience tuned in. Coming in to lend his assistance is Ian with a humble smile, honest face and almost effortless delivery. Certain scenes for him felt so natural it could have been mistaken for improv, just letting him go and feel the moment as it happened. You can expect to see both of these young actors in the coming years, that is, if you haven't already caught Eileen in Greek and Making Change and Ian in Bratz and True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet.Now both of those performances would not have been possible if not for the delicate touch of director John Humber. This is his first feature film and I can guarantee it won't be his last to reach the silver screen. Dakota Skye has the feel and rough edges of a debut filmmaker, but there is a vision, a concept and a level of skill that cannot be denied. The whole story is visually told with delicate pacing, filled with engaging moments, leading up to a beautifully touching final scene right out of any major motion picture we see today (specifically in the romance genre, that is). If this is the beginning of a career, all I can say is I am excited to see what's coming down the line.
flyoverland Mr. John Humber is a name we will all soon be hearing about.I just saw this movie at the Phoenix Film Festival... I was blown away by the quality of the writing, the acting, the soundtrack, and, above all, the direction, the overall creativity of it. Eileen April Boyle is a standout, though her co-stars put in good performances. The script by Chad Shonk is remarkable in its subtlety, its creativity (especially given the genre), and for the reality of the world presented.As a point of comparison (for you indie film lovers), Ed Burn's debut, BROTHERS McMULLEN, doesn't hold a candle to this film. And that's not to diminish Mr. Burns, but rather to communicate the quality of this film. Remarkable. Outstanding.I spoke with the director right after the screening, and he shared that it has been rejected from a number of festivals because there are no stars in the cast. The selection committees should be ashamed of themselves for such a decision.If you get the chance, SEE THIS FILM. It has left me in that dream-like state which only excellent films can accomplish, where the characters are so well-drawn that you don't want it end, don't want the credits to play, and which holds your thoughts -- and your heart -- in its hands for a time afterward.(John Humber, you're my hero.)
jk-303 We just saw the "world premiere" of this brilliant independent film at the San Luis Obispo Film Festival. This low-budget little masterpiece was shot in just 16 days (a miracle in itself). Creative concept, touching and original script and compelling performances make this the "Juno" of 2008. It is funny and thoughtful and moving without being predictable or sentimental.It deserves broad distribution so the world can share this realistic look at the value of truth in a world full of half-truths and lies.Bravo to the young film makers who really got it right.P.S. Josh Brolin was there to introduce his short feature "X". He stayed for "Dakota Skye" and was very enthusiastic about the film.