Rock Haven
Rock Haven
NR | 21 June 2007 (USA)
Rock Haven Trailers

The coastal California community of Rock Haven is the perfect place for cute eighteen-year-old Brady and his loving mother to begin a fresh start. Their mission: to spread the word of the Lord. But while roaming the beach one day, Brady meets Clifford, a young man who is the complete opposite of him: outgoing and athletic as well as incredibly handsome. Their initial encounter stirs up feelings of homo desire that Brady has been suppressing. Once Clifford makes it clear that their attraction is mutual, Brady's conflicting feelings of religious obligation and natural impulse go into overdrive, and the two young men must navigate their confusion, lust and beliefs in order to come to a mutual understanding.

SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
johnyoungda Having dated a conflicted Christian like Brady, this film hits all the right notes for me. It's a very realistic portrayal of a very real problem for many gay people. The film could easily have collapsed into a preachy mode but, instead, the writer exhibits remarkable restraint and just lets the facts speak for themselves. Some have commented they wanted a different ending, but I think this one is more credible than changing either Brady or his mom. These people are who they are. Additional kudos for being highly cinematic -- a rarity in indie films, which tend to have more dialog than a radio drama. The score is hauntingly beautiful and appropriately romantic -- a nice compliment to the setting. In retrospect, there were a lot of waves, flowers and beach scenes, but on my first viewing of the film, it never seemed like padding to me. Brady had some heavy thinking to do at those moments, and the film needed to pause to let the audience think as well. I also compliment the good taste of the romantic scenes. The main characters were wonderfully consistent and three-dimensional. The leads seemed to have a lot of chemistry and the acting was very good. My only minor complaint might be Director David Lewis casting himself as the reverend. His performance was a bit wooden. If this had been a bigger budget film, I would have wished for Act 3 to begin with him actually going to the ex-gay camp, showing his growing rejection of the hypocrisy. But, I'm OK with this lighter treatment, so I'm giving the film a top score overall. Highly recommended.
Rob Byledbal I must be one of the easily impressed as described in an earlier review. I thought this film was excellently directed and written. Coming from a Christian and conservative background, I can relate with the tension of coming to terms with absolute truths about oneself. It is difficult to reconcile blind faith with the reality of actual experience. I envy those who can define and reach that balance. This film is a rare depiction of the inner conflict so many young and not so young individuals have to deal with daily. The strength of the character Brady shows those who feel alone and isolated that their feelings are valid. I wish I could have seen this film as an adolescent. To me, this film has the potential to comfort a confused teenager in a positive and potentially lifesaving way. For me Rock Haven hit home.
godsfluteprincess So, I gave this movie a 5. Mostly I have to say that the cinematography was actually pretty good. I really liked the quality of the film when it came to how it was shot. However, I would have to agree that the script had much to be desired. Mostly I think they just wanted to capture a really big problem within a very short amount of time. But, the idea for the movie was good. Unfortunately this happens a lot in real life. The problem is that while I knew the sex scene was coming--- it felt like that was all the movie was working up to, and then the writer said, okay now they had the worst sex scene in the world, and now we have to end the movie. Then what I thought would actually be the climax, had I made the movie, the whole mom issue was just pressed into maybe ten minutes. I think that if they wanted to get what they had wanted out of the movie, the fight for love, they should have made that more of a problem. Meaning, what his mom thinks about homosexuality, and how Christian he is--- it could have been done better.However, i can't help liking the movie just because I really think my generation needs more movies that expose the fact that there are TONS of Christians who are really gay, but are so afraid to tell anyone, or to do anything, and hate themselves for it.It was just that this movie, while a nice attempt, never really satisfies the pallet. (And this is from someone how has been in the same situation).
reeves2002 I also agree with what another person wrote saying,I wish I was younger viewing this movie because in my teens there wasn't any movies like this and I wish there were because it also would have been useful.It's a nice drama and also has a good message attached to it whether the director intended it or not.It gives gay Christians some kind of hope.Unfortunately I am sure there will still be some who will be brainwashed by fanatics thinking it's a sin to be gay and all that other stuff. The movie was realistic, simple and sort of believable and very scenic.The beach and other shots where the film was made were very breathtaking.It makes you want to visit or vacation there.It was also extremely funny and the humor had me laughing, especially in some of the scenes where the characters felt awkward around each other.One scene in particular had me roaring with laughter.The scene where Brady(Sean Hoagland) and Clifford(Owen Alabado) had their first close encounter in Cliff's bedroom and Brady unintentionally got aroused and then embarrassed and stormed out.This movie was nicely acted by everyone and it was good to see talented newcomers. I think my only complaint about this movie was seeing all the deleted scenes afterwords.I thoroughly enjoyed them and strongly felt most of them would have added to the story and needed to be in the film.I really don't know why they were deleted.It can't be because the movie was too long,hell it could have been longer! A few of the extended/deleted scenes made more sense and explained stuff better. In a way I wish I never saw these deleted scenes because then I wouldn't be thinking the movie was missing something. This is why I gave it an 8 out of 10.