The Outlaw
The Outlaw
NR | 05 February 1943 (USA)
The Outlaw Trailers

Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl Rio's place after Billy is shot.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
dougdoepke At least wily old Walter Huston looks like he's having a good time burlesquing his character. That may be the only redeeming feature of this otherwise god-awful mess. Oh yes, there are at least two more redeeming features, and I like the way her tops sag lower and lower as time goes on. At least that kept me interested. Certainly nothing else did. There's no story to speak of, only a series of poorly written, sometimes pointless encounters.Some reviewers see a subtext about trust and friendship. Maybe so, but it looks more like a homo-erotic triangle that the makers (Hughes & co.) were having fun with, especially when the Tchaikovski love theme accompanies Pat's reconciliation with Doc. No need to belabor the limp pacing, the horrible scoring, the meandering script, or the inept Beutel. Actually, my sympathies lie with Russell whose uncertain presence sort of dangles as she tags along after the guys. But then, her best years lie ahead, unlike those of the guys. Then too, she's the only reason this rich man's plaything wasn't consigned to the dust bin long ago—a place where it so richly belongs.
arfdawg-1 Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl, Rio's, place after Billy is shot. She falls for Billy, although he treats her very badly. Interaction between these four is played out against an Indian attack before a final showdown reduces the group's number.Howard Hughes at his bra inventing finest.Jane Russel could never ever act. She had two assets.The movie is famous for them. And they go on and on for 2 hours in what could have been a 90 minute movie.That's about it.
johnmuir76 Quite a fun movie - rather silly in the tradition of "Bringing Up Baby", but a delightful gem for people who have a sense of humor. This movie is less about action and more about gunmen playing a constant mental game of wits trying to fool and outsmart each other. Fastest hands or not, you quickly see that it's Billy's wits that keep him alive, and Jack Buetel does a fantastic job of portraying a Billy the Kid that-could-have-been. It's also a buddy movie with friendship and camaraderie: the central conflict comes about when Doc Holiday takes to Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett feels cast aside, and it's interesting to watch the changing dynamics and friendship and respect even among those trying to kill each other.
thinker1691 Stories of the old West abound and Hollywood is no stranger to putting them onto the silver screen. However, tinsel town is not very careful when it comes to historical accuracy. Take this film for instance, the original script was written by Jules Furthman, for a special project directed by none other than Howard Hughes. The movie is called " The Outlaw " and is supposedly one of a few the late Hughes touted as his best. However, playing fast and loose with history is sure to cause historians to scratch their heads. In this fanciful tale, audiences are treated to a make believe story wherein we have two western legends 'Billy the Kid' aka, William Bonny (Jack Beutel) and 'Doc Holiday' aka, John Henry Holiday (Walter Huston) arriving in Lincoln, New Mexico and becoming fast friends. Unlikely as that is, we are also treated to Sheriff Pat Garrett (Thomas Mitchell) who comes to dislike both men. Not because they are outlaws, but because they form a closer bond which many suggest boarders on the suspicious. Jane Russell is the Buxom bombshell Rio McDonald, who was the surprising sex-sensation and X-rated Eye-candy of the 1940s. The actors are likable enough and carry the fictional story along to it's rather slow, almost torturous ending. The motion picture has its ardent proponents, which equal it's cinematic detractors. However, the special reason why this film is sought after is due to its depiction of Jan Russell in a 'super' bra (Which she never wore). Indeed, I watched the movie with anticipation and realized in the year 2010 we have a whole plethora of "Full-Figure' want-to-be's who've revealed more than Russell ever did. I believe that were it not for the trashing of western myths, this movie might rank as a Classic, but as it is, many would warn its director to stick to airplanes. ****