My Sweet Audrina
My Sweet Audrina
| 09 January 2016 (USA)
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Living in her family's secluded mansion, Audrina is kept alone and out of sight and is haunted by nightmares of her older sister, First Audrina, who was left for dead in the woods after an attack. As she begins to question her past and her disturbing dreams, the grim truth is slowly revealed.

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Gochi The book is almost a a creepy nightmare and this movie is a pink soap opera. There's a lot of elements that are missing here, first of all Audrina hair color , eyes color, her cousins hair color, Audrina has a little sister in this movie there's no sister. And there's lots of facts that are missing as well.
dutchchocolatecake I really wanted to give this movie more than five stars, but it appears that Lifetime isn't interested in doing V.C. Andrews books right to earn a higher rating.Lifetime needs to learn to ask fans what is important about these books before making them. If they can't even get the character's hair color right, then why are they bothering at all? This is a serious question. Color symbolism was important to V.C. Andrews books, which they would know if they had read the books and taken them seriously enough to write a script to reflect it.There's so much wrong with this movie, I can't even. But I'll try.1. Damien was ruthless, cruel, and a charming psychopath. The movie implies he is a creepy child molester which is stupid. They would know this if they read the book.2. Arden was much more of a selfish, demanding dick in the book. He had his good qualities but deep down inside he was only concerned about himself and his own guilt ridden psychological complex. The movie makes him look like god's gift to Audrina, which he wasn't.3. Billie Lowe is missing.4. Sylvia is missing.5. Mercy Mary teatimes were missing.6. Audrina's hair color was missing. It was a point of her identity in the book and tied her to her mother.7. Vera's hair color and eye color was missing. Vera's eye color was supposed to betray her true father - Damian.8. Ellsbeth was portrayed as a milquetoast pushover. Yes, Ellsbeth stayed at Whitefern because she was still in love with Damian. However, in the book her personality was much more disciplined and stuffy. She was nowhere near as nice in the movie.9. The ending was mixed up and made no sense. The chronological order of events were switched around.10. The rapists in the book were Audrina's classmates, not 18 year old teenage boys.There are excellent visuals and atmospheric qualities of this movie that were overshadowed by the hack job the script writer gave to V.C. Andrews book.
dhainline1 Audrina Adare (India Eisley) lives a secluded life in her family's mansion of Whitefern. Audrina is not allowed out of her house to attend school or socialize with other children her age. She has no idea of how much time has passed in her life because her father Damian Jonathan Adare (James Tupper) doesn't allow her to have a calendar and a watch. The clocks in the family home are all set at different hours and this contributes to poor Audrina's confusion! Damian and his wife Lucietta aka Lucky (Kirsten Robek) had a daughter before Audrina who was also named Audrina. When this perfect, beautiful Audrina was 9 years old, she was assaulted and killed by a group of boys in the woods near the family home. Every Sunday the family that also includes Lucky's sister, Ellsbeth (Jennifer Copping) and her vile daughter, Vera (Kacey Rohl) visit the first Audrina's grave. Damian is determined to make the second Audrina as perfect and as beautiful as the first Audrina. He makes Audrina sit in her sister's rocking chair so she can absorb the essence of her perfect sister. This is traumatic for poor Audrina. She sees her sister's rape and murder while she rocks and she screams in fright. There is no relief for Audrina in this house. Vera always bullies her and calls her dumb because Audrina has no concept of time. Lucky gets pregnant but loses her life and the child so Audrina has no younger sibling who will love her. The only things that give Audrina any kind of happiness are the crush she has on the ground keeper's son Arden Lowe (Seth Isaac Johnson) and the piano lessons from the handsome pianist Lamar (Matthew Kevin Anderson). The horrid Vera spoils this for Audrina when she seduces Lamar. Audrina and Arden get married with her father's reluctant blessing. However, the marriage is doomed because Audrina is still traumatized by what happened to the first Audrina and she won't let Arden touch her. Arden confronts Damian who reveals a big spoiler for Audrina. The first Audrina was invented by the family and the second Audrina is the one and only Audrina there is! Damian says Audrina came home after the rape in the woods and Lucky scrubbed the crime off of her body. Audrina went through electro-shock therapy to wipe the memory away but Damian didn't want her to suffer through that. He invented the fictional Audrina and told Audrina the rape happened to the non-existent Audrina. Later on, another big reveal comes up when Vera pushes Audrina down the stairs and send her into a coma. Audrina sees in the past when she is 9 and Vera is 11. Vera helps her dress up in her birthday dress and tells Audrina there is a big surprise for her after school. The "surprise" is the rape in the woods by the boys. Arden was there, but he tried to help Audrina and not hurt her. Vera had the boys rape Audrina because she was jealous of Damian's affection for Audrina and his dislike for her (Vera). Vera was also Damian's child with Ellsbeth. When Vera is confronted in the present by Audrina, she falls down the stairs and dies. In the end, Audrina knows she has a life with Arden to look forward to and is no longer haunted by the perfect sister who never existed. This movie was quite gripping in its portrayal of a dysfunctional family and the aftermath of PTSD due to a rape. India Eisley was wonderful as the confused Audrina with special mention due to Kacey Rohl, Tess Atkins, and Hannah Cheramy as the villainous Vera. Imogen Tear and Farryn VanHumbeck were also great as the younger Audrinas as well! This story is recommended for any VC Andrews fan!
phd_travel Atmospheric and nicely filmed, this adaptation of VC Andrews non Flowers series novel is worth a watch for fans of her books. W young girl is home schooled and kept confined in her family's mansion - but what secret is the family hiding about her deceased sister? The faults of a typical VC Andrews story are there - one dimensionally evil people, rather abrupt shifts in plot direction, but it's still good fun. The implausibility of the plot doesn't matter - after all it is a fantasy of sorts.The cast is watchable. As Audrina India Eisley's acting has improved a lot from Secret Life days and she makes quite a lot of this far fetched tale believable. Her love interest is played by the Royals' William Mosely looks a bit old for her and his British accent comes across. James Tupper of Revenge is okay enough as the father.The love scene is kind of laughable as she transforms suddenly from frigid to the opposite.For fans