2001 Maniacs
2001 Maniacs
R | 21 October 2005 (USA)
2001 Maniacs Trailers

On their way to Spring Break, college kids take a detour through an old Southern town. The people of Pleasant Valley insist the kids stay for their annual barbecue celebration... but instead of getting a taste of the old South, the old South gets a taste of them!

Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Leofwine_draca 2001 MANIACS is a cheesy B-movie remake of a cult H. G. Wells gore film of the 1960s entitled 2000 MANIACS. This is a low budget production, packed to the brim with rubbery gore effects and a hammy turn from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET star Robert Englund, and yet despite (or maybe because of) all this it turns out to be a surprisingly enjoyable little movie.I think the film works because the tone is just right. There's a ton of black comedy here, some of it blacker than black (like when the black guy turns up in the southern town asking where black guys hang around, and the locals point him to the nearest lynching tree). The story is relatively fast-paced, and you can be sure that there will be a grisly murder just around the next corner.The acting is less impressive, and some of the characters are just a little TOO over the top (yes, even in a film like this) but yet it somehow hangs together. It's clear that Englund is having a ball as the demented town mayor and there are cameos from Peter Stormare and Eli Roth as the story progresses. None of it is scary or disturbing, but it is funny in places and it's certainly miles better than the amateurish original.
Sandcooler Nobody can imitate the fiendish charm that comes with everything cult director Herschell Gordon Lewis touches, but this movie seems more than willing to give it a try anyway. It's all there: the cartoonish gore, the delightfully sinister story, the gratuitous nudity, the ridiculously hammy acting, it's pretty much the best exploitation movie 2005 can hand you. It may lack that ugly, grainy 60s film stock, but trust me it still looks low-budget enough. The pace is pretty good and the build-up is nicely written, though it is kinda weird that the first kill to me is the best/funniest. All of them are good, but the coolest one they came up with is already used fifteen minutes in. Speaking of weird, the supposed Southern belles that still live in the 1800s all look like Playboy models, which is distracting in more ways than one. One even had fake nails for God's sake, doesn't make too much sense. And what's with that Chinese character? Most horror movies at least get Asian actors so they're close enough, here they just use a Caucasian actress and say she's Chinese about five times a minute. Heck, they'll believe it eventually. None of this bothers me too much though. "2001 Maniacs" is a lot of gory fun, but obviously it's still no "Two Thousand Maniacs".
keylac123 i thought this movie was brilliant ... honestly. sure, it may not win any award for best acting but i loved it and honestly the actors were not that bad. but it sure was gruesome fa show, aha. like a guy getting his manhood bit off ... ouch? :D or like a guy getting skewered. yeah, not the most pleasant ways to die in this movie. aha, Robert england was genius. and Bianca smith (leah) is so freaking hot ;] i loved her in this movie aha, she played a sassy Asian and it was so sad when she died. i almost cried. aha, kidding.this movie is a creepy and entertaining flick, you should totally watch it.
Christopher T. Chase Let this be a warning to you right off the bat, dear reader and horror fan: if you have the kind of 'political correctness' meter that sounds the alarm at fart jokes, you will want to stay VERY FAR AWAY from the likes of 2001 MANIACS. If you're a hardier horror buff who likes your flicks to follow the "Triple-B" Rule, (Babes, Boobs and Blood), then YEEEE-HAAAW, Bubba! Y'all jest struck GOLD! There's more swingin' jugs and spurtin' jugulars here than you'd find everywhere else, plus the 'bestest 'finger-lickin' good' barbecue this side of a Texas Chainsaw Family Reunion!If you know your horror history, you know that 2001 MANIACS is the lovingly-rendered redo of the gore-tastic Herschell Gordon Lewis' signature grue-fest 2000 MANIACS, here given the full-tilt millennium 'makeover.'The good-humored ghouls of Pleasant Valley, GA. (population: well - look at the title, genius!) are 'DIED-in-the-wool' Southerners who don't take too kindly to stray Yankees who trespass on their turf. It probably doesn't help that over 200 years ago, every inhabitant was slaughtered by Sherman's army as he and his men raped, razed and rip- snorted their way through to HOTLanta. So their vengeful, zombiefied ghosts return each year for a little payback. A fake detour sign misdirects unwitting travelers to Pleasant Valley, where every day is the celebration of the "Guts And Glory Jubilee", and the lost tourists are always the 'guests of honor' at the Jubilee barbecue...where they also do double-duty as THE MAIN COURSE!!! But in-between those two plot points, seduction and slaughter of every imaginable kind abounds.This time, eight friends who are classmates from the same college are on their way to Daytona Beach for Spring Break...and all the babes, booze and beer they can handle! Thanks to a wayward short cut that gets them lost, and that rigged "detour" sign that points them right into the heart of Pleasant Valley, there's one element they can add to that list - BLOOD - as in their own!!!Once the kids hit town, it would take a moron not to figure out that there is something unpleasantly weird about these grinning, welcoming, backwoods "hell-billys" (led by a gleefully demented Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund.) But then for college students, none of these guys (or girls) are particularly the brightest light-bulbs in the pack. What they are, are the soon-to-be 'entrées'...er, I mean 'guests of honor' welcomed to the Valley by the overly friendly Mayor Buckman (Englund), who are at first as charmed as they are freaked at this little backwater burg, where they seem to take dedication to the whole "Civil-War era reenactment" thing a little too seriously. Of course, they learn all too late...it's NOT an act.Director Tim Sullivan, scripting here with co-writer Chris Kobin, knows that 'Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun' - and that includes the audience. Those movie watchers who would be profoundly outraged and insulted by 2001 MANIACS probably wouldn't (and shouldn't) be renting or going out to see this anyway. For the rest of us...well, we know what we want and what we like to see in our horror films, and thankfully, Tim provides it in abundance! Not content to merely rehash the Lewis original, he surprises with hysterical references to other movies, while keeping the action going and the blood flowing! (Think of a couple of scenes here as DELIVERANCE by way of AIRPLANE!, and you get the tone of it!)The death scenes, if not completely original in some ways, are still delivered with gruesome effectiveness, and there is a nice "Tales From The Crypt"-style ending to wrap it neatly with a pretty, dripping-red bow.Oh, and BTW, did I mention that this is unofficially a 'musical'? That's right, gore-hounds! A couple of ZZ Top-types, (just with banjos and 'sharp-dressed men' for the 1700's) deliver some spicy song commentary on the action! But thankfully, the ditties are inserted in a way that is terrific and not tiresome. All in all, for an evening of blood and boobs, you might think you can do better than 2001 MANIACS, but that's debatable. I know you can do worse! And I have - trust me.