Meet Market
Meet Market
R | 29 January 2004 (USA)
Meet Market Trailers

Lonely aspirants on the LA dating scene hook up at thier local grocery store, where they can see and be seen by some of their dubiously eligible fellow singles, all the while hoping for that one magical relationship that will finally click.

PodBill Just what I expected
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
sharane_alvarez Not the greatest film, but surely entertaining. With Julian McMahon's moronic, self-obsessed Hutch and Alan Tudyk's dorky personality and failures in love...this movie makes for a great laugh and some fun.Although the very end left me sad, for reasons you must figure out on your own, and maybe you never will...I still found this movie to be a good find. I'm glad I received it, it lifted my spirits Julian McMahon cannot look any hotter and be any funnier. His dead-panned lines are delivered so perfectly, and how he continues to stare off in space is absolutely funny. A great cast, a good script...a good flick!
purplegiordano I was first drawn to the movie because of the concept. I love simple ideas but they have to work in the movie. Fortunately this one does. It's cool when it all come together. We're in a country where one out of four people getting married today met online. This movie should be a dating class at the Annex Learning Center for people who like to meet wacky people in person and not on your computer. Why not just cut out the middle man...Back to the flick. The actors gave good performances and the story was totally interesting to watch unfold. I watch tons of movies and this one was ten times better than some of the crap I get on Netflix that actually made it to the theaters. Not sure who picks what get's released and what doesn't. Who cares. Bottom line-- good flick. Damn good flick!!!
gardiner-sabrina Meet Market reveals the extremities of being single in L.A. by using creative characters that are funny in each of their attributes.It's not the typical main stream romantic comedy that's like all the other movies. This movie gives you so much insight on each character and you feel you can relate to each one. There is truth to each and the acting and writing together make it hilarious.The movie definitely has a creative writer and was casted perfectly. JULIAN MCMAHON IS SO FUNNY! He plays a studly soap-opera type who is topless in every scene. I've never scene this side to his acting ability and now I'm more of a fan! And same for Laurie Holden (Billy) playing such a bully-type character. I didn't know she had that range of acting ability-wow. Of course, the guys were handsome, but you see looks aren't everything! And same for the girls!! (Alan Tudyk so likable/always wonderful)Oh, and Missi Pyle is the craaaaziest!!!! I could go on...but, I hope to see more movies written like this and with such talent so we can enjoy something fun and different!
bjhalyaman This is probably one of the funniest movies I've seen lately. I laughed out loud at many spots, something I rarely do. The way it targets the insanity of trying to find that one person who isn't insane or crazy, trying to connect to fill the loneliness,to find that right person is both humorous, and at times, heart rendering.The casting is superb, each melding into the 'type' they are supposed to be. Great characterization particularly from Julien McMahon as the Himbo, Alan Tudyk as the much confused and put upon seemingly 'normal' man, Elizabeth Berkley as the innocent turned Avenging Angel... oh the heck with it, the entire cast are good.Anyone out there dating, especially in L.A. (which is a zoo all unto itself), should see this movie. If for no other reason, than to be able to laugh at yourself. Enjoy!!!