Sliding Doors
Sliding Doors
PG-13 | 23 April 1998 (USA)
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London publicist Helen, effortlessly slides between parallel storylines that show what happens when she does or does not catch a train back to her apartment. Love. Romantic entanglements. Deception. Trust. Friendship. Comedy. All come into focus as the two stories shift back and forth, overlap and surprisingly converge.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Python Hyena Sliding Doors (1998): Dir: Peter Howitt / Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Zara Turner: Interesting technique deteriorates into two boring stories upheld only by the presence of Gwyneth Paltrow. The title represents choice or fate. Gwyneth Paltrow is positioned in two parallel stories. In story A she catches a subway train and arrives home to catch her boyfriend cheating. In story B she misses the train and arrives home only to suspect foul play. Great setup faulted with sitcom situations but director Peter Howitt has fun with interesting locations. Paltrow is fantastic playing someone at the mercy of either deceit or luck but either way weighs her options after losing her job. John Hannah as her friend is standard and unsympathetic. John Lynch plays her ex-boyfriend who is a jerk whether caught cheating or plainly being deceptive. Jeanne Tripplehorn plays his mistress who predictably makes things worse becoming nothing more than a parody fatal attraction gimmick. Zara Turner has a useless role as the female whom Paltrow moves in with and that is about the extent of her role. It addresses fate and the choices we make, which is fine in itself but perhaps one choice viewers can make is to avoid this contraption. As for Paltrow, hopefully she can apply her talent to films where the doors don't slide on the screenwriters. Score: 5 ½ / 10
Zoooma Romantic Comedies are not my thing. But this is an interesting take on it. Instead of the one main storyline to follow, we get two. What would occur if this event happened vs. how it would be different if a different event happened -- two visions of a woman's path. Gwyneth Paltrow is the lead and I found her to be very unappealing. Her character is not very interesting in the least. The male lead is John Hannah who was quite refreshing. Jeanne Tripplehorn is fun to watch, adds a little flavor to it all. Overall, this will be remembered because of the way the film presented itself but it's rather just mediocre otherwise. Love story yada yada yada. Barf. What some would call a "chick flick." 6.1 / 10 --Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
Andy Steel Very well made with a nice witty script and a decent pace so it doesn't get bogged down too much. It does look slightly dated though, but that's mostly to do with things like fashion and technology.I must admit I did find the premise of this film quite interesting; how just a couple of seconds at a crucial moment can make drastic changes to a life did intrigue me. I did enjoy the way it was done but ultimately it is about feelings and relationships which is fine as far as it goes. It did leave me with a few questions by the end and I see that as a good thing; there were certain things open to interpretation and any film that does that is always going to be worth a look, in my view. I will admit I did enjoy it up to a point; I found the characters quite engaging, there is some great dialogue and I even recognised one or two of the tunes! Over all, worth a look but I feel its one of those I'll only watch once (although I've been wrong about that before).SteelMonster's verdict: RECOMMENDEDMy score: 7.2/10You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.
RobbyClarke The central plot device notwithstanding, "Sliding Doors" is a formulaic romantic comedy, with Paltrow a seemingly reluctant constant in the middle of the formula. (Peter Howitt, writer and director, does deserve credit for not trying to explain how the two wormholes through the romantic cosmos diverge--rather just presenting the intertwined versions of Helen's life). Jeanne Tripplehorn and John Lynch are each a lot of fun to watch. Lynch maintains a wonderfully dazed and confused demeanor in the face of womankind on the warpath, and Tripplehorn trods said warpath with great brio. Their lines aren't original, but they get into the spirit. The climax of the movie (no spoilers here) seems way contrived, and it disturbs whatever flow has been developed: writer-running-out-of-ideas material. Douglas McFerran, as Gerry's de rigueur funny mate, does a workmanlike job in magnifying Gerry's angst.