Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future
| 04 April 1985 (USA)
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future Trailers

While trying to expose corruption and greed, television reporter Edison Carter discovers that his employer, Network 23, has created a new form of subliminal advertising (termed "blip-verts") that can be fatal to certain viewers.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
fish4spider-1 i have two versions of this movie the first one is just the 60 minute version the second uk version is the same movie with extra max headroom dialog and music videos when blank reg firsts puts on max in the big time TV bus max and reg talk and dominique says he could have his own show max starts to play music videos. there are music videos by squeeze,xtc,queen,the vapours, the untouchables, my favourite video here is making plans for nigel, just before grosmen says get me bryce max plays a music video by the untouchables free your self you see more max telling jokes(very funny) and extra scene's of theora and Edison i hope one day every thing max did will be on DVD, its a shame this was never followed on as a uk TV series and let us see what happened to network 23 etc instead it was remade in the us the series was good but the uk stands out far better
daisy2mae2 I looked up Max on IMDb to see if I could find any information about the powers that be putting it on DVD. This was one of my favorite shows (along with Moonlighting, Magnum PI, Thirty Something, and Murphy Brown). I agree that it was intelligent and worth taping or scheduling your time around and SHOULD be produced on DVD!!! Get to it!!For all those who never had the good fortune of being able to view this show, I would compare it to a cross between Robocop on a computer network and combined with the comedy of Jim Carey on steroids. Max, the main character of the show, exists as the personality and life form of the computer--it's not-so-artificial artificial intelligence.I don't remember much else about the show, which is one reason I would love to see it again, because I love to reminisce, but as the previous posting pointed out...they only seem to come up with shows that have just been running and, mostly, are of no interest to me. So, put it out, Powers That Be!
A-Ron-2 The original version of this film, which was titled 120 minutes into the Future (I believe) was by far one of the most impressive and subversive things I have seen on TV. The premise involves the idea that Blipverts, or high-speed advertisements, are allowing the TV stations to create more ad time, but are also at risk of causing the most indolent members of society to spontaneously combust.This is absolutely wonderful!The whole Max Headroom angle was never really exploited until this became a (too short lived) TV series shortly after. However, this movie is nothing short of being among the most impressive and visionary movies ever made, and by far one of the most interesting (and underrated) cyberpunk tales told.The low-budget enhances the bleakness of this dystopic future, and the utter pessimism about the future of mankind is palpable at every moment. Watching the TV zombies wander the streets in search of more TV, the dark rooms where the future of man (and media) is decided... the burnt-out buildings, the police-state siege mentality. I have rarely seen anything this ambitious attempted in the past.This movie warned us about the dangers of mass media, and managed to do it in a way that was not ironic and was highly entertaining. Run out and find this movie if you can (I have seen it on tape, and Sci-Fi channel runs it occasionally). Go... NOW!
RichardS Reporter Edison Carter discovers that an advertising medium developed by the TV network he works for is killing viewers. The network attempts to 'dispose' of him and replace him with a computer generated version. And so the story goes...This is a really good film, taking the bleak vision of Blade-Runner and injecting a little 20th century realism. Set in a world where TV networks rule and the population is made up of couch potatoes who rarely venture into the desolation outside their doors, Max Headroom is frighteningly plausible and potentially very downbeat.However, the story has enough lighter moments to balance the overall darkness of the film and together with a likeable and talented cast, this is a thoroughly enjoyable film that - like its content - was maybe a bit too ahead of its time. 10/10.