| 03 May 2007 (USA)
Noise Trailers

The community reels after an incident on a suburban train. A young cop, beset with doubt and afflicted with tinnitus, is pitched into the chaos that follows this tragic event. He struggles to clear the noises in his head while all around him deal with the after burn of the crime.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
rodney_crute A previous reviewer actually wrote that this film was the best crime thriller from Australia since "Two Hands. No way. "Two Hands" had Bryan Brown, Heath Ledger and Rose Byrne; a good script, direction and editing. This film was poorly paced and poorly acted. There were too many scenes in which nothing happened to progress the story. The script was unbelievable and the direction was self indulgent (perhaps writers shouldn't direct films of their scripts or perhaps directors shouldn't write scripts for their films); there was no discipline. My wife and I felt no empathy with the characters. Some of the actors playing police officers must have studied acting by watching 1960s Australian cop dramas. Very disappointing.
CineCritic2517 The pros:Very good acting all around and superb directing from writer/director Matthew Saville who manages to keeps the viewer in suspense despite the film's slow progression and meandering screenplay.The negative:The film really only picks up some speed around half way by which time we had already struggled through some hard to follow dialog and failed to make sense of the direction the film was taking. Add to this an ending which felt a little bit tagged on and left me highly dissatisfied.Not really sure what to make of this film, It surely won't get a second viewing any time soon but I wouldn't discourage anyone from seeing it either.6.5/10
lost-in-limbo Now this is what I call a surprise, and one of the best Australian films to come out in the last couple years. Matthew Saville's magnificently striking, movingly sombre and realistically crafted crime drama "Noise" is quite a neat little package that really does over deliver. We follow that of a self-doubting, and tinnitus afflicted cop McGahan, as he finds himself manning a police van in a suburban community that has just been overwhelmed by a group of vicious murders. The script (within the character's make-up), plus the technical side of the production (sound effects) demonstrates some creative brushes with the whole tinnitus angle. Brendan Conwell's convincing lead performance is nothing more than sensational, in what is a vulnerable turn of coming to terms with the responsibility of his duties and the growing fear of his uncertain health. Maia Thomas' traumatised performance is just as hypnotically good. Saville's lean material is high on mood, blunt and darkly engaging on the gradual build-up of the inner-workings of his characters and environment. The location photography is masterfully shot, and the lighting composition also helps provoke an arresting and brooding atmosphere that shrouds the air. The direction of Saville is casually handled with a prominent rich style, and Bryony Marks' alienating music score never overstays its welcome. Meaningfully top-notch and powerful entertainment.
jbm784 When i heard this movie was Australian and i seen it got a 7.3 out of 10 i couldn't wait to hire this movie out. Even 5 minutes into the movie it looked like it was going to shape up to be a good movie, but i was completely wrong. Me and my wife put up with an hour of this crap before we turned it off. We are both Aussie movie fans, me in particular but this movie sucked!. The acting was hopeless, the plot was was one of those movies where they make every character in the movie stupid and sarcastic not to mention unlikeable, there is not a single person in this film one could like. This movie is a disgrace to Aussie films and i definitely recommend not hiring it. I was tempted to chuck the movie in the bin regardless of it being from the local video store, it was that pathetic!.