| 13 November 2015 (USA)
Condemned Trailers

Fed up with her parents' bickering, poor-little-rich-girl Maya (Dylan Penn) moves in with her boyfriend who is squatting in an old, condemned building on Manhattan's Lower East Side. With neighbors that are meth heads, junkies and degenerates, this depraved hell hole is even more toxic than it appears: After a virus born from their combined noxious waste and garbage infects the building's residents, one by one, they succumb to a terrifying pathogen that turns them into bloodthirsty, rampaging killers and transforms their building into a savage slaughterhouse.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
happy undertaker I believe that Roger Ebert had it right. Evaluate the movie based on how well they made it fit the genre. As such, this one is okay. You need to see more than REC or Quarantine as progenitors. This one involved some New York type filmmakers/actors. They did a very good job on sets, costumes, lighting,etc. I don't look for total character coherence in a flick in which everyone is going mad. Even, before they went mad, they were marginally mad or disturbed to begin with. The movie was pretty well made for a low budget effort. The only thing that looked fake was some of the CGI blood spatter and one projectile vomiting scene. You can also see Johnny Messner playing against type. I didn't realize it was him until I realized that he had almost the same hairdo that he wore in Tears of the Sun.There were also a bunch of faces that look familiar but whose names always escape you.This movie did not remind me of REC or Quarantine, as much as some say. They were also derivative. Yes, there were many similar elements that appeared in those films and Condemned.But if anything, this story was absolutely most like a New York based film that predated those two. If you liked Condemned then see Mulberry Street (2006), a film with very close themes and development. This connection jumped to mind after the first few minutes or so of watching Condemned. The writer/star of Mulberry St. is Nick Damici who has a small cameo in Condemned. So see Mulberry St. and if you liked that then watch Stakeland, Damici's take on vampires. In it you will see scenes, sets, and situations that although not wholly original, look like they might be one of the proximate inspirations for The Walking Dead.
SashaDarko Condemned is a really well-done trash horror movie (more like a thriller though, than a comedy), one of the kind. And by well done I mean good camera work, good acting, great practical special effects. Maybe except blood splashes, which are CGI, and honestly look really bad and fake.There also are some unexpected creative touches like opening stop- motion sequence or "living" comic book.The script rocks. All characters are f/cked up, all of them at once are the crazy unpredictable mix and it's great. You have two muscular Nazi BDSM men, maniac psychotic Jew, black gay transgender, drug Chinese dealer who tries to talk in Russian (fails miserably though to do so) and junkies. Main hero and its girlfriend are the only somewhat adequate characters in this movie. All of them are squatters who live in an abandoned house (with lights and water though, which somehow are provided by some old guy and everyone buys him stuff in gratitude for that). Under the influence of toxic drug waste they start to kill each other and that's what the movie is all about.
shawnblackman This horror film takes place in New York where a condemned building is actually home to junkies, cookers and all kinds of wonderful people who want to be off the grid and not pay rent. Something isn't right in this building as we see toxic waste being dumped into the sewers from the guy making drugs as well as all other disgusting fluids being added in the pipes from contributing tenants. The result of these combinations are creating tumors at first then things get worse.At first you think you're watching a drama about really screwed up people living together under the rug so to speak. It then takes a 180 turn when people full of pus oozing sores and yellow goop running out their mouths start killing each other because once they are infected it takes a bit to kill them. You start to see the Troma inspired Toxie as well as a Slime City (1988) feel in this one but really well done. One scene has a junkie girl trying to put her boyfriends entrails back in so they can go back upstairs to get high. If you can handle projectile vomits and people melting from the inside out you'll like this one.Nothing really new here just some so toxic fun so watch what you put down your drain.
Danny Knightmare (horroraddictslolz) This movie is extreme with the guts & gore so can't recommend it for the squeamish. However it's actually more then just that. The story takes place in a new york apartment building that of course is Condemned. There are many unique and stand out squatters living in the building however the tension is rising as a break out disease starts to spread and change them into rabid killers. There's plenty of humor and action and it reminds us that New York can be a very dangerous place. Not the fun Sex and the City lifestyle most young people think of it as. If you are into movies like Cabin Fever, Dead Alive, or anything Troma this film is definitely for you. It's got a rockin soundtrack thanks to Cerebral Ballzy. Personally I can't wait to see what Director Eli Morgan Gesner brings out next. Ps. Cookie Rules!
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