R | 04 December 2012 (USA)
12/12/12 Trailers

When baby Sebastian is born on 12/12/12 everyone around him starts to die. Soon, his mother realizes that her son is the spawn of Hell.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Michael Ledo This is one of the worse films made by Asylum. I am a lover of their bad films and this one tickled my funny bone.The DVD cover similar to "Rosemary's Baby" leaves no mystery as to the identity of the baby. The film opens with a Mayan calendar, some Bible verses, and words spoken about pharaohs just to cover all the bases. Our "Damien" or Sebastian in this case is born C-section, the kind of C-section where they use no anesthetic and the mother (Sara Malakul Lane) cries in pain.Our infant, which looks like an ugly prop from a David Lynch film, was apparently inspired by the bunny in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" as he can fly around and grab people by the jugular with his long razor sharp teeth. In spite of the kid having teeth and clearing out the birthing room in a deadly fashion, mom ignores it all and opts to breast feed...ouch!12/12/12 is something that is used by a doomsday cult, most likely because my nephew born on 6/6/66 is boring and sells insurance.The detective (Steve Hanks) has a fondness for lollipops...Oh where did the writers come up with that?!This is a low budget film that goes absolutely no where. The plot doesn't flow well and is haphazard. The dialouge and acting was bad, but if you are going to use bad actors, rule of thumb is to use pretty D-cup women so us guys won't care...thanks Asylum.This is a great film for bad Asylum film lovers as the budget and special effects are worse than usual.Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, nudity (Sara Malakul Lane, Bonnie Grinberg) 7-9 stars for Asylum fans, 1 star for non-fans.
clemmysl This movie had its moments, but overall, it was pretty terrible. You will see a detective that has an obsession with lollipops, a plastic- looking baby with horns that mysteriously latches onto peoples' necks, and no real story at all. The time of day was literally all over the place, jumping from day to night and night to day, without logical reason. In one scene, the main character frantically calls the local detective to pick her up and it is clearly broad daylight, but suddenly it's nearly midnight when he arrives (they look at the time and it says 11:53). When the protagonist is in her sister's home, the detective says he'll have cops stationed at her home for safety from the Devil's servant; in reality, though, there was ONE cop stationed that quickly gets killed off(how dumb!). There are so many unexplained, unnoticed casualties that I don't even know where to begin, and so I won't. The best part of the film, sadly, was when the main character is tied to a chair, and then one of the Devil's servants nonsensically pulls down her shirt, exposing her nice, bare tits. The movie was a solid (?) 4 stars (out of 10) for the first 2/3 of the film (from 12/12/12-12/19/12), but then the last bit (12/19/12-12/21/12) was just sh\t. I cannot stress how bad the ending was and it absolutely killed it for me. Still, I somewhat enjoyed watching the film drunkenly with some friends, so I'll rate it a (generous) 3 stars out of 10.
agnes-guizado **SPOILER ALERT** So I rented it last night (thank God it was a FREE rental ..tho still could pick something else- ANYTHING would be better than that. The cover is not bad....but in my history of bad movies...and I know bad coz my husband is a sucker for slashy zombie, apocalypse etc movies:(( It started hilarious...baby comes out via C-section....and starts killing...yep umbilical cord, teeth...I think it was my cue to stop watching ...Baby looks like a potatoes sack ...they barely show it (you gonna have laugh by the end of the movie when you see horns!) It's wrapped in blanket for most of the movie (real baby would die from lack of air or heat!) ...there is one pretty sick scene when mommy is getting some in bed....then she sees her hubby next to her and realizes the baby was playing DRfeelGOOD!!!....so stupid scene....but she still didn't think anything is wrong with the baby!! ...and the baby crawling around...I've mentioned teeth already ...yeah and the movie takes place from 12/12/12 to 12/21/12 yeah baby from 0-9 days old ...OMG no more words left to say ....oh yeah -someone mentioned it before the only good part of the movie were the boobs...that movie is so bad that it comes to that wow You are better off taking a nap:)))
Dalton S. Minnigh After watching the entire movie I decided to give it a 3 because it was boring and defiantly had no plot or good climax. The ending made no sense and I disagree with Paul about it being fun to watch. In my eyes, I would have preferred the story line to make more sense, and Sebastian needed to look more realistic. Overall, if your bored, and want to watch a baby eat peoples necks, then buy it, other than that, I really wouldn't recommend watching this film. Even if the makers had short budgeting, they should not have made this film. I hope that this is the only film Asylum made that was terrible, their other movies looked interesting, but this one just wasted my time.