The 12 Disasters of Christmas
The 12 Disasters of Christmas
R | 08 December 2012 (USA)
The 12 Disasters of Christmas Trailers

Just in time for the joyous holiday season, this film connects the ancient Mayan prophecy of worldwide destruction at the end of 2012, and the iconic holiday song, The 12 Days of Christmas. But there is hope: a father learns that his daughter is really the "Chosen One" who, alone, can stop further catastrophe - if he can stave off the lunatic townspeople blaming her for the community's destruction.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
hongkong666 The 12 Disasters Of Christmas is a weird movie. It is weird, because everything in it seems to be bad. The acting, the dialogues, the plot, the writing and not to forget the incredibly bad CGI (one of the worst I have ever seen). In a small town, young Jacey (Magda Apanowicz) has her birthday. And this event triggers the reappearance of 12 plagues the Mayans have encountered 1000s of years ago. But do not worry, her grandma knows she is "the chosen one" and passes an old ring on to her to stop the end of the world. There are 4 more rings to be found to stop armageddon and that gives us one and a half hours of whatever this movie is trying to be. I don't want to go into details that much, but I have to point out the CGI effects on the electric wires. I laughed so hard seeing how poorly this was executed, that the rest of the movie just left me with a smile. And not even a sour one! I even found myself enjoying it. Usually your first reaction would be, well, it was like that in the 80s sometimes. And then you notice the movie is from 2012. Nevermind then... This movie is a great opportunity for you, to show it to people who even complain about top notch CGI today. After they saw this here, they might appreciate it a lot more!
Leofwine_draca The 12 Disasters of Christmas is a Christmas-themed disaster movie from the SyFy Channel that attempts to emulate the same kind of Mayan prophecy disaster nonsense as in the big bucks Hollywood movie 2012. Except, of course, the filmmakers have a budget of about $3.60, so attempting to convey world-scale events on a tiny budget was always going to be a challenge. No surprise that they make a pig's ear of it.This Canadian movie was helmed by Steven R. Monroe, no stranger to the B-movie genre having already made the likes of ICE TWISTERS and the I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE remake. Religious nonsense provides a backdrop to the otherwise familiar action, which sees a family trio pursued by twelve different disasters: they are forced to flee from freezing ground, invisible force fields, icicle showers, and other assorted mayhem. None of it makes much sense and it goes without saying that the CGI effects are so utterly poor as to be completely laughable.Another laughable element of the film is to have the annoying female teen protagonist called Jacey and her parents Joseph and Mary. I suppose the scriptwriters thought this amounted to wit but they were mistaken, it's just very silly. The stuff with the magic ring seems to have been borrowed from THE LORD OF THE RINGS but inevitably given the low budget, the climax is based around human drama and betrayal rather than anything requiring money. Yes, it's dreadful.
SanteeFats An end of days movie based on the Mayan calender that never came to be. A very old looking teen named Jacey is the fulcrum for the film. There is the misguided guy who thinks she must be sacrificed based on the last page of an ancient tome. He is wrong and pays with his life but not before others pay a price. So this girl needs to find five rings that will empower her to stop the end of the world. So she goes looking for the rings with her dad's help but runs into problem's. Of course she finds all five rings and stops the end of the world. Her whole family manages to survive, mother, father, and brother. Humm maybe a bit to much but I guess you can't a lot of angst in a ScyFy show now can you??
greg7349 This movie has topped any film i have ever seen the screenplay was top notch the suspense this movie put me through was incredible I strongly feel this movie could win an Oscar for best film of the year Holly elissa really used her magic in this film somehow outdoing her role in ice quakes which i thought was impossible This movie plays out a lot like a steve zillar directed film who by no comparison is the best director in the business The special effects are amazing I would say easily outdoing avatar and the plot keeps you jumping out of your chair all the way till the very end. I have been moved spiritually by this film it is an uplifting film and makes passion of the Christ a has been. When you watch this film im sure you will agree I cannot wait for the following comments cause I don't see how anyone can turn down this film!