100 Degrees Below Zero
100 Degrees Below Zero
NR | 13 April 2013 (USA)
100 Degrees Below Zero Trailers

After freak climate and weather events destroy the world around them, a group of rogue scientists attempt to reverse the deadly new ice age.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
eminem_show-08666 First, I apologize if you don't understand me, I'm french :)This movie is awful ! I watch it 10 min ago and I can't believe how bad it was. 1 - Every scene in the movie was shot on a green-screen and the FX are worst than Sharknado (Sorry if you like this movie BTW) there is a lack in perspective and scale. I don't really want to know how much does it cost to make a movie like that but, with an Iphone, After effect, Premiere and your sister, you can make it at home by yourself. 2 - The script is... i can't find an English word for that. A lot of details don't make sense (Spoiler Alert : They're cold (please, you said that every 10min so... we understand, stop it) they wear nothing but shirts, they find a dead man with a coat and no one is thinking about taking the man coat for themselves. Are they idiots?) 3 - Oh My Lord ! Who are they ? Please ! The acting is unbelievable. Actor/tress are overacting every time. 4 - Finally, I'll talk about decor and accessories. A large part of the movie take place in Paris (France) and I think that no one in the staff knows how to speak French. I don't say that I speak/write in a good English but i can make the difference between an English/Spanish/German and a french word. You can't find a "30km/h ZONA" in Paris or an "ENTRY/EXIT" sign on a door (in English of course). And please, our car plates aren't red on a white background, this is a Belgium plate....I don't recommend this movie. Or, maybe with your friends and a beer in your hand (and 10 in your blood/brain). I can't rate 0 out of 10. this is so sad.
kristina-99420 I watched this movie with my friend because she wanted to watch this s*it. She didn't even read the plot just liked the poster. I lost 1 h 30 min of my life i better watched porn. I have watched a lot of movies that i thought that were garbage but this... Acting and special effects were 'the best' i laughed so hard.
styrkrmunr Shoddy acting is the least of this pictures shortcomings. I would soley blame the director, but it is obviously far beyond that. The only department that didn't utterly botch their job was the costume department. Though I did find it odd that all of the soldiers wore cameo-patterned pajamas.In fact, it would be more at home being the Literary Arts homework of a third-grade boy. The writer, director, and producer of this film ought to be charged under Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113C, Section 2340 of the US legal code. I have been more entertained mowing my lawn than watching this insult to the industry. Dry pasta has more taste and my vomit has more character. I pray that these men never again work in the industry. This film is too terrible to even be considered for a "bad movie night".
Yvette Evelyn All I can do know is laugh. The acting was terrible. They should have been lovers instead of siblings! For all the time they hugged and jumped on each other (1/2 the movie) every time one fell, geese; I was waiting for the kiss. They also made the male son character so WHIMPY!! Like COME ON MAN, GROW SOME BALLS! So subtract the acting, & The theme of the movie was not so bad. But the plot was extremely disappointing."The only good thing was that it was suspenseful - whether or not the parents and kids will make it to the Eiffel Towel."It had potential but fell flat on its face.