R | 31 July 2012 (USA)
Hijacked Trailers

A special agent's plans to reconcile with his ex-fiancé are ruined when she boards a private jet that is targeted by hijackers working for the same crime lord that he is chasing.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
sungreentree I expected a B movie with some cheesy action to redeem it. Indeed the DVD jacket suggested the bare bones of a plot that the film did fulfill. But nothing could have warned me that fulfillment could be so boring, so stupid, and so unconvincing.One starts to get an idea by the flatness of the dialog and emotion at the start. Does it ever improve? No. The actors have looks but they never seem invested. The style is low budget TV or straight to video.Then the first action scene is there delivering nothing worth watching as well yet nonetheless impressing me: must the characters--good guys and bad--really be that dumb in a firefight? Must they fight so badly? Incredible! Next we get to the airplane and by then there's no doubt what will be delivered: a film neither convincing enough to be worthwhile nor cheesy enough to overcome its stupidities. The set says it by looking nothing like an airplane. The special effects say it by looking unrealistic. The characters say it by reacting to danger, injury, and threat with true stupidity. The plot says it by lacking so much common sense in its particulars that there's no buying into any part of it.I can't recommend this movie on any level. But if you're a glutton for self-flagellation, a fan of boring, or looking for a movie that you can walk away from without missing anything, then maybe you'll want to check this out. In such an ill-considered event, I recommend that you attempt to keep your brain half alive by attempting to note some fraction of the ways stupid will out. For example, as a teaser, how would you handle events like these: - Protecting self from gunfire.Moving and fighting while shot, stabbed, or something.Wound care for your friends.Someone there to kill you.On plane expecting bad things will happen.Airplane safety procedures and equipment.Keeping somebody captured from posing further threat.Hide from people who would kill you.I like lots of B action movies. But this one is not worth watching.Really! Find some another movie.
Shawn Gordon (gordytheghoul) The picture begins successfully enough with the under appreciated Vinnie Jones playing a suave British secret agent. Looking snazzy in a tuxedo, cool and cunning. You know he can jump into action and kick some serious butt at any minute, but first he must flirt with the ladies. This opening seems to make a successful case for ol' Vinnie as the next 007. Unfortunately, this is not a Vinnie Jones show and after a rather tedious shootout, Jones disappears from the movie all together.Hijacked is a routine, merely adequate action vehicle for Expendables star Randy Couture. Incompetently Directed by Brandon Nutt, this Nutt seemed to believe in the film's merits as he co-produced as well. Couture, the Washington state born former UFC superstar turned action hero makes a go at his first starring role, I wish I could say he is the next great action star, but I just can't. He is stiff and lacking the essential charisma for that, he has an unkempt look reminisce of Jason Statham, but is lacking the Stath's virtues. Here, Couture is easily over shadowed by his more experience co-star Dominick Purcell, who gives the film's best performance.The story is familiar, the plotting strictly by the numbers. The production at least looks good, the first part of the picture is set in Paris, so we get some better than expected locations, not the far too common ugly grays of Eastern Europe, which is cheap to film in. Most of the story takes place on an airplane though, this will make many viewers aware of superior actioners of the past such as Air Force One and Executive Decision. Not too much on the action front either as we much wade through nearly half the movie for it to really get going, then it precedes to take silly turns with lots of gunfire on the airplane. It all goes on too long, too boot. Finally landing with a you've got to be shitting me "twist" ending. Couture's professional nickname was "the Natural", obviously it applied to his athletic skills, because when it comes to his movie star cred, he is anything, but a natural.
Sebastiaan Pekelharing I watched this movie, without reading any of the reviews here. I saw the actors, read the plot and so I thought I would be watching something spectacular.Sadly.... this movie, that misses the most vital ingredients to make it a good movie, is just a badly copied and slightly changed version of so many good hijack movies that already exist. Even movies from the 90's have better acting, more suspense and way-more special effects. Besides the predictability of this movie is huge! In short: this movie is not worth your time and money to watch. If a high-suspense hijack movie is what you're looking for, please do rent or buy another movie. I think Dominic Purcell(Prison Break) is a great actor, but in this movie he's definitely at his best. This goes for other good actors in this movie as well.
Boba_Fett1138 The whole approach to this movie took me back to the '80's, an era when the genre was at an all time height and the story didn't seemed to matter all that much. The era of big, dumb, overblown action movies, in which a lot of classics got made but even more absolutely horrible movies. I'm sad to say that this is also an absolutely horrible movie, that does some absolutely stupid things.First of all, for most of the time I had absolutely no idea what was going. About halfway in it, I still had no idea who all these people on the plane were and why they were on it and what the hijackers wanted exactly. And it's not done in a mysterious thriller type of way but all done in a clearly incapable and lazy way. The storytelling is just absolutely horrible at times and the way the entire movie flows and develops certain story elements are done in an atrocious way!Every time I thought that the movie would start to become potential good and interesting it would cut off and go to something completely different. You could say that the movie is being way too short and should had taken its time with some of its story- and character development. Yes, it sounds strange but I wanted this awful movie to be longer, so some things could had developed into something potentially good and more interesting maybe.The editing makes the movie all the more worse at times. I don't know but it at times feels as if entire sequences were missing and it at times makes some sudden jumps. It will confuse you and lets some sudden developments and scenes come across as incredibly stupid.And I also can't really say that this is an action filled movie. There are a couple of good old fashioned fist fights and some weapons get fired but overall its just nothing tense or spectacular to watch. There is of course only so much you can do with its premise and settings but simple fact is that there are plenty of other genre movies around that do a great job with its concept of a plane being hijacked in midair, so it really shouldn't be an excuse for this movie.And how are the likes of Randy Couture, Dominic Purcell and Vinnie Jones in this? Absolutely awful, though I feel you can't blame any of them really. When given the right material, all of them still could be some decent action hero stars.It's just as bad as any other dumb, low budget, action flick but this movie does some very stupid and incompetent stuff as well, making this movie worse to watch than just the average genre attempt.3/10 http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/