The Counselor
The Counselor
R | 25 October 2013 (USA)
The Counselor Trailers

A lawyer finds himself in far over his head when he attempts to get involved in drug trafficking.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
jonczyzyk When I first heard about "THE COUNSELOR" during its early production phase back in (2011) nobody could of been more overjoyed than I was about the (2013) theatrical release. Powerfully flooded with an exceptional A list cast along with one of my all time favorite directors, the one and only visionary extraordinaire Ridley Scott, it had Oscar Gold written all over it. But with powerful dialogue & superior acting taking precedent over Michael Bay type action sequences it didn't sit so well with the majority of film critics and nationwide audiences, ultimately receiving an abundance amount of negative reviews. From the opening scene legendary filmmaker Ridley Scott sends a crystal clear message to its viewer that in this violently seductive, harrowing nightmarish roller coaster ride "ANYTHING GOES." If you're still feeling skeptical towards watching the movie I highly insist that you take this final statement to the bank. "THE COUNSELOR" takes home the gold for one of the most bizarre sex scenes and one of the most heinous murder scenes in film history!
tjgorman66 Just an awful piece of film making with a really great cast and a terrible plat
krocheav Seems most audiences that fell for this one needed a counselor to unravel the mess it left in their heads. For a mainstream movie, they don't come much grubbier than this. I've never understood the regard some folk hold for director Ridley Scott, who proves with this shoddy work how overrated he can be. As for highly esteemed writer Cormac McCarthy - perhaps at 84 it's time to hang up his pen. Character motivation is largely unexplored and the situations bounce from one glib, almost impossible to understand circumstance to the next. The highest ideals for any of these characters run in the order of greed, avarice, booze, drugs and obsessive sexual obscenity of the most perverse nature. Cameron Diaz is beginning to look as ugly as the foul morality she tends to represent, Penelope Cruz basically appears to represent little more than a woman for a bed - shared by Michael Fassbender in an unnecessarily overdone opening section. Brad Pitt's by-the-numbers role is not much more than a station on the way and could have gone to any number of lesser names. Fassbender's ridiculous decision to play for deathly high stakes with merciless drug cartels offering a deal with a 4000 x return rate (yes you read right!) at least it gives him a chance to show some fear- filled remorse - with possibly one of the better performances in this jigsaw puzzle with too many missing pieces. If your most endearing inspirations for living are superficial greed, perverse sexuality, fashion, drugs or how many people you can cruelly murder, then you could find something to identify with here. Otherwise, save your brain and time, find something else to watch and leave this to the criminal element and biker gangs but, even they may prefer to go ridin'.
renjiamin This is my first review in IMDb. And the only reason I write this review is that I think this film is underrated too badly. I like the plot, the direction, the action sequence, the screen play of this film. But what impressed me most is the moral decay and corruption of human beings, the ruthless jungle surviving rules. It escalates the height and remind me of the Greek tragedy of Euripides. Anyway I have confidence this film will be remembered in later decades.