Are You Scared
Are You Scared
R | 12 September 2006 (USA)
Are You Scared Trailers

After waking up in an abandoned factory, six kidnapped terns realize they are contestants on a reality show called "Are You Scared?"

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
torstensonjohn Directed by Andy Hurst (who also was the writer of the Wild Things Series). Right from the onset the audience can tell this is a very low budget B rated film. The actors have absolutely no emotional armor to them. As an avid film watcher I like to see the actors show raw, emotional vulnerability whether it be facial, dialogue or body language. Every performer comes across rigid, flat and campy in their scenes.The editing is so choppy and bad you can tell in the opening scenes the character Brandon has a shirt on with a design on the left side, 20 seconds later in the next scene the design is on the right side, (look closely). This insight, though powerful, isn't going to turn you into an overnight editing success. There is so much to learn in terms of visual storytelling -- pacing, film language, montage theory -- techniques that have been invented, used, and transformed for over a century. Editing is no cut and paste job; it's a complicated and intricate art form, but knowing the difference between good and bad editing, especially three Oscar-winners' definition of "good" and "bad", is a great place to start. Such an absolute cheesy and abortion ripoff of 2004 Saw. The similarities are endless with a game being played between 6 individuals, weird and violent traps, gore and twists involved. Trust me when I say you are better off seeing anything but this dumpster fire.
bournemouthbear Six teens, all qualifying for the title of 'America's Most Irritating', wake up in an old warehouse. They soon realise that they are on the set for a reality show called 'Are You Scared?' for which they had all sent audition tapes sometime ago. What they didn't know at the time is that the tasks in which they face their greatest fears on the show are no wins – if they don't participate they are eliminated, quite spectacularly by being blown up, and in doing the task they also won't win. A scarred freak watches over them all on his bank of TV sets, his agenda revealing itself to be more personal for one particular participant, as two standard inept cops close in on him.Chances are if the idea of a below average version of the silly franchise Saw gets you buzzing then this is the ideal evening's entertainment for you. For everyone else it is a passable watch that borders occasionally on irritating, making little sense with its retarded 'to get what you want in life you have to suffer' ethos.If people have to suffer for what they want to the extent that they end up dead, then how did the suffering actually get them to learn that message for any longer than it takes them to be blown up or drilled in the head? And at the end of the day it all seems to have been geared by the villain to get his daughter back for setting him on fire rather than anything else, making his agenda of suffering for what you want suck big time.The villain, referred to as Shadow Man in the credits, has obviously spent too much time watching the Saw franchise affecting spooky 'do you want to play a game' styled voice-overs and leaving a key inside a victim for them to cut out or die. What he forgot to do was do it well. Still there's a nicely done decapitation and a cheer-worthy body explosion that could have benefited from more guts, in both senses, but they both still hit the spot nicely.The camera moves around a lot and there is a nifty use of lighting to disguise the fact that the sets are really quite crap. Witness the after-titles sequence whereby armed police point their guns in various corners of the latest crime scene laughably exposing the limited set around them rather than provide anything else of use to the viewer.Marvel at how one minute the token black character starts off squealing and panicking about the bandaged wound he woke up with, suddenly start giggling and whooping for joy when he thinks he is on a reality TV show. Or is it a comment on today's Heat culture of non-achieving-celebrities? You decide. Despite each character being oblivious to the danger they are facing it doesn't distract from them watching their audition piece for the 'programme' even when they are being pursued or bleeding to death.Alethea Kutscher makes for a spunky lead and Brent Fidler makes for an imposing shape as 'Shadow Man' however even at a short seventy nine minutes, chances are you'll feel aged like you have just spent a day watching it. Do yourself a favour. Turn the disc off and watch something else instead.
rls0812 I was wondering when some one would come out with a Saw knock off.Here it is, I guess. In the most basic ways, it attempts to mine the more popular movie, adding it's own twists to the story .I was very interested in the villain at first, but as the story played out, you realize he was just an ###, with no real motivation for all the people he kills in his "games", except for the last one ... and of course they throw in a "surprise" plot twist out of left field at the end.The set design was good, camera work was OK, and acting was ether over done, stereotypical, or wooden.Between ugly acting, boring - seen it before - deaths, and characters I really can't get behind, this movie leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Rymacher Now being a film student I have seen many many many films and know that some movies need to be given a chance. This one though is the first movie I gave a chance to and still was not able to make it past the first 15 minutes. It was horrible. Saw is very hard to imitate so only the professionals should do so. This director is a hack. Never make a horror movie again, for the sake of us all. This is the WORST MOVIE EVER! I have some done some cheesy horror shorts myself and they were done on no budget, and only as a class exercise. That film is even better then Are you Scared? I am disappointed by this ...... well first off its not even a film. It is video, but that aside it is not worthy to be called a film. Burn it now before anymore have to suffer.