The Terror Experiment
The Terror Experiment
R | 01 April 2010 (USA)
The Terror Experiment Trailers

When terrorist action releases a secret government virus in the Houston Federal building, the employees become aggressive and homicidal. Federal officials quarantine the building to wipe out the infected and control the story, but a small group of uninfected are fighting to get out.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
blubanshee I knew going in this movie would not be high budget and I like watching b type movies. This was not even worthy of a b rating. I could tell right away this was going to be real bad when the camera man has to use the camera to pull off effects by shaking it and using extreme blurry close ups that are way too fast. This piece of crap should have never even made it to DVD. I agree with what other said about the actors. There were a couple that I thought since they were in the movie. It couldn't be too bad. I was WRONG!............. Shame on anyone who is currently renting or selling this movie. I am a sucker for a good or half way good Zombie or Vampire movie. This movie was neither, even though they lead you to believe it was. They were like an infected rabid animal or something and not even a good one. The plot was bad the make up was bad and even the acting from a couple of seasoned actors. I hope they were roped into this movie and did not do it by choice. I think the budget on this film was a little over a million dollars. I know that's not a lot of money for a movie these days but I have seen decent horror movies made with a lot less and it turned out better than this. I suggest finding another movie and let this one die!
Paul Andrews The Terror Experiment is set in the city of Lafayette in Louisiana where a disillusioned war Vet manages to infiltrate a federal building & set off a bomb in a top secret bio-weapons research laboratory which causes a leak of a nerve gas which infects people & turns them into homicidal flesh eating killers. Everyone in the building below the sixth floor is infected as panic sweeps through the building, when the dust settles a handful of survivors are trapped on an upper floor including lowly mailman Loham (Lochlyn Munro), private investigator Mandy (Alicia Leigh Willis), minor employee Cale (Jason London) & a US marine named Tony (Edrick Browne) along with scientist Dr. Wexler (Robert Carradine) who seems to know a lot about what's happening. They must try to work together to find a way out & safety but with mindless killers inside the building & Government agents outside who want to blow the place up to contain the outbreak the odds & time is against them...Executive produced & directed by George Mendeluk this was originally called Fight or Flight before the distributors changed it to The Terror Experiment & is a really bad, cheaply made clichéd ridden rip-off of several other much better films. The script is a bland mixture of the likes of 28 Days Later... (2002) with it's fast running virus infected who look & act like zombies, there's a bit of Die Hard (1988) here with the federal agents outside the closed off building & there's a scene of an exploding helicopter on the roof which feels directly lifted from the action flick & Quarantine (2008) with various people trapped in a building with zombies & there are other little scenes & ideas that are copied from all sorts of films. The Terror Experiment feels like a SyFy Channel film & that is most definitely not a compliment, the film lasts for just under 80 minutes & it's so dull & bland it feels a lot longer than that. The script tries to generate tension inside the building as the character's try to avoid being torn apart & outside as well with the hard decisions the men in charge have to make to destroy the place with survivors still inside but it drags, all the character's are paper thin so you don't care about them & there's never any sense or urgency or impending disaster. The ending is a damp squib as Cole & Mandy literally just walk out of the place & then there's a few minutes of badly written emotional drama as we are expected to reflect & think about Government conspiracies & those who have sacrificed their lives for us but it has zero impact. While watching The Terror Experiment I couldn't but help that I had seen it all before & it feels like some ninth generation rip-off, there's the usual stupidness too with the huge building seemingly only having one set of stairs, no containment plan or procedures in case of an emergency, a scene in which Mandy & Cole abseil down a flight of stair with a fire hose yet are jerked into the metal stairs & come to a gentle stop yet falling maybe thirty or forty feet straight down & a zombie who has a gun & every time the camera cuts to him he fires it but never seems to run out of bullets...The Terror Experiment takes itself extremely seriously but the action & horror is lame with no scares or tension at all, I suppose there's no quick machine gun editing or jerky hand-held camcorder crap but that's about the best I can say about it. It's never explained why the virus makes those it infects look like rotting zombies but then I don't think the makers really cared. There's no real gore here & The Terror Experiment feels like it was made with a PG rating in mind, there are a few blood splatters but absolutely nothing else of note.The IMDb says that this had a budget of about $5,000,000 which I think is total rubbish, there's no way a film this bad & this cheap looking would have cost that much, It's not as if there's an A-list cast here either but it does have some decent talent inboard with the likes of C. Thomas Howell (who looks bored), Judd Nelson, Jason London & Robert Carradine who all deliver bland performances.The Terror Experiment is as bland & dull & clichéd a rip-off as there is out there, there's really nothing of any interest to horror or sci-fi or zombie fans. Don't waste 80 minutes of your time.
Damien Hex This movie was awful, they discredited awesome actors with a Movie that in all reality was just a rip off of Resident Evil. Honestly when these actors read this script they must of been drugged to not see it. i hope they all got paid a lot of money to make such a B rated film like this one. I honestly do not see why the director even thought this was a good film. I swear is everyone in Hollywood getting Dumber every year? Please Hollywood stop trying to make Zombie movies, Resident Evil is good without all these cheap knockoff attempts. Good lord. if i see another Zombie movie i hope it is called Resident Evil, otherwise it'll get just as bad a Review as this one did for sure, Resident Evil is enough for zombies. make a new Vampire movie... and god not Twilight.
gavin6942 This is the story of a building that is part of a "terror experiment" where an explosion happens and then certain people get infected and become feral. You know what happens next.So, you take some decent actors like Judd Nelson, Robert Carradine, C. Thomas Howell and Jason London... you see their stars have fallen and you have get them cheap. And then you throw a script at them, as they take the bait. Voila! Another infection, pseudo-zombie film.As I say, what a waste of talent. These guys are actually decent actors, and to put them in something like this gives the film too much credit and tarnishes whatever good name they have. We have seen this story dozens, hundreds, maybe a thousand times. The plot is so unoriginal, it is a surprise it was even made and a bigger surprise that it was distributed. I see several movies a week, and this is among the worst I saw this year.