NR | 23 January 2009 (USA)
Ink Trailers

Invisible forces exert power over us in our sleep. A mercenary named Ink, on a literal nightmare mission, captures the spirit of 8-year-old Emma in the dream world. To save her, the dream-givers marshal all their resources, focusing on saving the soul of Emma's tragically broken father.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
markgibsonuk-04768 Tedious from the start , descending into pretentious art school project drivel . Might have made a half decent 30 minute TV show. Really - don't bother .
crealr It's not great artistry. Low budget, poor effects, marginal acting (although some of the actors do manage to shine brightly enough at moments). While the plot may seem grasping at times, stick with it.If you can look past the artificial details you will find a beautiful and inspiring allegory that speaks deeply to something essential in the human experience. A must see for deep thinkers, as well as those who study the esoteric,who may grasp its message more fully. Also, one of the most beautiful musical scores in any movie, especially "Who You Were". That's saying something, given how low budget the film was.
altersaege Definitely different from anything I have seen before. I have the feeling that there is more than Cinema behind this. It feels like some kind of shamanistic art. It has got a kind of positivity which is not emotionally naive, not new age, not rhetorical or superficial, not moral or religious. It is a deeper kind of positivity, and it is brought into a visually fascinating movie with a good script, good acting, and a pleasant soundtrack. You just have to be prepared to a different experience than what you get every day from Hollywood. Although this is not a complicated intellectual movie, and it does not feel heavy at all, it may require a little more commitment than a popcorn movie or a easy going no-think "feel good" movie.
mobius1974 I get that this is supposed to feel surreal given the plot/setting, however I feel this movie that might've gotten 10 stars from me falls far short due to the cinematographic style - it was nearly enough to give me a headache, and I had such high hopes for this film based on the synopsis. There is a point where presenting an "artsy" film is a disservice to the story itself.Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I do have a few friends I'll recommend this movie to because the story is an engaging one, and I enjoyed the "prologue" and the ending.Would I have felt cheated if I had paid the price of a ticket and theater refreshments to see this? Probably not. If I had first seen it in a theater, would I venture to a theater to see it a second or subsequent time? Probably not. Do I feel cheated for paying the price of a Blu-ray? No. Will I watch my Blu-ray copy more than once? Too late, I already have - and probably will again. So, 6 stars - I can't offer more than that.