| 24 September 2005 (USA)
Earthlings Trailers

Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
mferrari-31233 I feel like one day, when everyone realizes how wrong it is to discriminate against nonhumans, this movie will be mentioned in the history books, just because of how great its message was. I think the more people watch this, the more animals will get saved, so my lifetime goal will be to show this movie to as many people as possible. However, this movie got only eight stars because it has only scratched the surface, since there are many other industries that also abuse animals, like the honey, silk, and pharmaceutical industries. I also don't like how they think that animal euthanasia through lethal injection is okay, because it still denies the animal of a slightly longer life, and it's against God. A better solution to this would be simply liberating the unwanted animal(s) into the wild, and the law should not only ban animal euthanasia, but also fine people for breeding cats/dogs in the first place, so that puppy mills would no longer have this issue.
lornamd-1 Should be watched by everyone in the US and to people who want to know more about how animals are treated, as the things that happen in this film happen all over the world.
pavman_pavman After reading other members reviews of Earthlings that disagree with the content shown in this film as being propaganda to become vegan I myself questioned my decision to take part in a plant based diet with my family of 4. I agree that this film is very hard to watch because of its confrontational nature but it is essential to put yourself in the shoes of the Earthling being massacred for the financial gain of farmers, transporters, workers, chefs, big business and ultimately the consumer. Its fair to say that animals may suffer a worse fate decided by another animal through the natural survival of the fittest process, but most of these animals do not have a choice in there fate. They are bred by humans, they are enslaved by humans, they are used for the financial gain of humans and subjected to unspeakable cruelty by moraless humans. My family is not taking on a plant based diet because we are self absorbed and want attention but purely for the reason of not wanting to participate in the consumption of meat, dairy or eggs derived from an animal that is scared, being controlled and ultimately killed riving in pain.We as the dominate Earthlings and custodians of earth have to find it within ourselves to feel compassion and empathy towards creatures that find themselves in this position.Is becoming Vegan the answer??? I'm still not sure but what I am sure of is that my family will not be directly or indirectly responsible for what takes place daily on 1000's upon 1000's of kill floors and animal factory farms on this planet.In closing this film will either make the skeptic's take notice of what is happening around the world or it wont but watch it and you decide for yourself.
micuhow345 Some of this information I have come across in books, but that is nothing compared to the horror of watching it. I burst into tears repeatedly while watching it and had to take many breaks. This is not an easy film to watch, but the information in it is vital. I have nothing to add in terms of summary that others who have reviewed this film have not already said. This is an unflinching look at how humans treat other species. I simply wanted to thank everyone involved and everyone who reviewed it for their kind words. Part of me feels as though we just went through something together that hopefully can make us better people. I hope to see humans as a species mature in the future. Thank you.