Amores Perros
Amores Perros
R | 30 March 2001 (USA)
Amores Perros Trailers

A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Douglas Jansen The film has a very good rhythm, and soon in the initial scene we are already attached to the film and we start to cheer for Octavio, who is who stars in the first part of the film. The other cores - Daniel and Valeria and El Chivo and Maru - have only a quick introduction, only to justify the core change later, which is also done very naturally, leaving only a hint of Octavian's story to be counted in the minutes End of the film, when we are already much more interested in the history of El Chivo than in his. The characters are very catchy and the actors give life to them very well, yielding several exciting moments throughout the two and a half hours of film. I also really enjoyed the dramatic arc, showing the causes and consequences of the car crash shown in the initial scene.
solidsnake2099 Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu began his career as a broadcaster and Radio producer Hence his vast musical knowledge that can be Reflected throughout the film. Also his first pininos As a director, was doing commercials for Televisa, specifically In the creative area of ​​channel 5. In the latter we can see its side Creative and why not, his sense of humor, mostly black, like his Nickname and sarcastic. However in Amores perros what it proves is a Society, using as a point in common the canines, and Does in a majestic way, interweaving stories by means of a car crash. The performances are poignant in each of The characters, especially in the story of the "Goat" which is Capable of provoking fear and tenderness at the same time. The story that Could say that is the least attractive, would be the Spanish woman But that of Gael Garcia Bernal is touching and sad, as much as the Of the Goat. Inarritu's first feature is the reflection of what it is now. A successful winner of 2 Oscars, very well deserved
patomartinezfgo "Amores Perros" is a rare breed (no pun intended) in Mexican film. It is filled with amazing performances and incredible dialogue. The movie contains three story lines that are interconnected by one event (This is why I like to call it the Mexican Pulp Fiction). The three stories have very different subjects but the three of them are amazing in their own way and somehow compliment each other.I love the way Iñarritu (who later directed "Birdman" and "The Revenant") gives out some backstory of the characters without having to literally explain and let the actors and camera do its work.In my opinion, the movie gets better each act. Starting with the first act about a poor and disjointed family, moving on with the story of a model that got injured, and finally ending with the story of a homeless man with a very interesting turn of events.The third act is the greatest in my opinion because the characters have so much more backstory and interesting pasts.I do not give this film a 10/10 because I do feel that the ending, although very strong for the third act, does not give a closure to the second and first act specially, that is left kind of open. Still, you should definitely see this film.
Dominic LeRose Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu is one of the greatest filmmakers of the 21st century for his breathtaking vision and the power he brings in his darkest films. "Amorres Perros" is a heartbreaking story that digs into your soul and stays with you. It's blistering performances and depressing subject matter are the things that build upon strong films. While disturbing and saddening to watch at many times, "Amorres Perros" thrives in doing what it intends on doing, that being showing you the real world and how multiple people of different backgrounds can relate to one another no matter their lifestyles. Three interconnected stories about the different strata of life in Mexico City all resolve with a fatal car accident. Octavio is trying to raise enough money to run away with his sister- in-law, and decides to enter his dog Cofi into the world of dogfighting. After a dogfight goes bad, Octavio flees in his car, running a red light and causing the accident. Daniel and Valeria's new-found bliss is ended when she loses her leg in the accident. El Chivo is a homeless man who cares for stray dogs and is there to witness the collision. With three stories being interconnected by an accident, we see the dark sides to each group of people. We learn about their motifs, their failures, and, surprisingly, their mutual love of dogs (hence the title "Love's a Bitch"). What Innaritu and writer Guillermo Arriaga do is craft an amazing masterpiece that stands out as one of the greatest foreign films of all time. This powerful drama brings the hardship and hope of life in magnificent and creative ways that help you appreciate the power of storytelling and good drama.