Dirty Deeds
Dirty Deeds
| 18 July 2002 (USA)
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Set in 1960s Sydney, this is the story of an Australian gangster whose booming business, buoyed by the influx of U.S. soldiers in town for R&R during their tours in Vietnam, attracts the attention of first the Chicago mafia, and then their East Coast competitors.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
jotix100 "Dirty Deeds" takes a nostalgic view of the Sydney of the late nineties as we are taken along to meet a local gangster who is ruthless against his enemies, or the people trying to invade his territory. The action takes place in King Cross, an area where night life was the main attraction.David Caesar and his cinematographer, Geoffrey Hall, created a film that seems to have been shot in that era, as they have given the movie a faded look that works well with the story they are telling. The film has some funny moments that come at unexpected moments. The inside joke seems to be about how to really make a good pizza, something that might not have been done at the time.The film makers have to be congratulated in bringing a brilliant cast together for the movie. Bryan Brown plays the kingpin Barry Ryan with equal amount of meanness and humor. Mr. Brown is an actor that is always consistent in anything he does and he should be seen more often. Toni Collette is one of the best actresses working in films, who is at home in drama as well as comedy, and she has a rare opportunity to show her talent playing Barry's wife, Sharon. John Goodman is good as the American mafioso who is outsmarted by his Aussie counterpart. Sam Worthington is fine as the naive Darcy and Kesty Moressi also does a good job as Margaret. The only one that has nothing to do is Sam Neill."Dirty Deeds" works well as a drama and a comedy because there are elements of both in it thanks to the way David Caesar presents his material on the screen.
mfsor Yes, it's awful. As to say not one redeeming feature. It was just an opportunity for a bunch of Aussies to have fun without having to do any acting (John Goodman or no) and the scriptwriter to not have to do any writing, and the photographer to not have to see anything, and they stick in Toni Collette as if that is going to help. Who are these people that give a movie like this a rating of 7? Are they people without any critical consciousness? It's just a combo of cowboy=car chases without the horses or the vehicles, just filming people reciting lines that somebody thinks have some sort of meaning to them when they in fact have nothing. Is there any set of standards that anyone adheres to?
quantumXL The main reason i watch this movie because it had one of my favorite actor in it. He is the star of the "Big Bo" and Monsters inc. I love his soothing voice and singing (Although its nothing like Barry White and Usher) but his acting is GREAT. Well anyways about that movie. I really didn't understand the plot of it. It was about casino machines and stuff. and at the end of the movie john and the other kid get framed. i got bored through half the movie and basically fell asleep. so i was kinda disappointed in john because of choosing such a bad movie to star in. but i'll give it 7stars anyhow. Do i recommend this movie? if your a John Goodman fan its something to rent. if not just ditch it and find a nice good new movie to watch.
richard-mason Approached this one with caution after some iffy reviews, but shouldn't have worried.David Caesar shows he can handle big cast, big story, big entertainment;not just the character-driven, quirky little films he does so well.Bryan Brown shows there's still no better dinki-di larrikin than him. Sometimes it wears thin, but here, it;s just right. All the cast are at their best, especially Sam Neill, who plays completely against type delightfully. The two young stars are good too, and Felix Williamson all but steals the show as John Goodman's not-too-bright, but definitely too vicious sidekick.The 1969 Sydney underworld setting is wonderfully captured (even to accurately having Hair playing at the Metro Theatre), and its great to here so many old songs, and old Aussie sayings, that are barely remembered (and no, hardly anyone had heard of pizzas here then, except in the lyrics of "That's Amore".)The design and camerawork are eyecatching, and all in all, while its not the deepest Australian film ever, it's very entertaining.