Slender Man
Slender Man
PG-13 | 10 August 2018 (USA)
Slender Man Trailers

In a small town in Massachusetts, four high school girls perform a ritual in an attempt to debunk the lore of Slender Man. When one of the girls goes mysteriously missing, they begin to suspect that she is, in fact, his latest victim.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
nickalvarezwhs As a young adult I remember a few years back about the whole Slender Man story and how his images were shown on YouTube videos and there was even a game that you could download that was about slender man, which made me wanna see this movie even more, I was so disappointed how slow the movie started because right then and there I knew this was not gonna be a box office hit, the movie must've have more boring than I thought because there were young adults behind me laughing and making jokes, and at the end of the movie, they had no problem obnoxiously saying, "That movie sucked!" I give this movie a 2/10 just because I like that they tried, and I know if a better director and story writer were put behind this movie, it would've done better, I do believe the story of slender man in general has potential but this movie had no story.
squidytherdvsbadfandoms We almost got out of it, that bottomless pick of garbage. But this film ended our chances, it breaks my heart. But I think the horror genre is dead, and that's why this is the worst horror film ever made. The acting is horrible, the story is abysmal, its hilarious to watch this horrible accident unfold in front of your eyes.
gigoali This movie was so bad made bad didn't make any sense. Would not watch it again even if it comes on tv . It didn't have a real story line it wasn't worth watching. Please don't waist your money to watch it .
Jared_Andrews Sometimes a single line of dialogue can stand out in such a way that you instantly realize that a movie is awful. For 'Slender Man,' that line came from Joey King. "He's like a computer virus except he gets inside your body and messes with you!" Oh, so you mean like a virus? Why didn't you just say, "he's a like a virus." Several times throughout the film, that sort of hack writing shows its ugly face (as opposed to Slender Man, who technically can't be ugly because he has no face). There are zero clever lines delivered. Most of dialogue sounds like it was written by a Twitter bot designed to simulate mundane teen talk. The putrid writing isn't limited to the dialogue-the characters themselves contain about as much detail as one could write on a Post-it note. I think of the four main characters as, girl A, girl B, girl with a sister, and token non-white girl. They're essentially indistinguishable from one another. The only difference is that some are slightly more talented performers, and, of course, the most talented girls are the first to disappear from the story. What's really striking about the girls is that, even though they're allegedly best friends, they don't even seem to like each other. At one point, I girl makes a catty, resentful remark about her "friend's" trophies. Later, she says, "I thought you didn't care about track. I thought you cared about Chloe." (It's a miracle that I remember her name). That moment is striking for a couple reasons. One, it doesn't seem like something that should be said between good friends, and, two, I hardly realized the girl ran track. Probably because it's never shown in the movie. I imagine the track angle played a larger role in an earlier draft then removed, but this line was left in. Editing isn't the movie's strength. When the girls aren't making odd comments to each other or expressing all the liveliness of a folding chair, they're attempting to appear scared. To show that they're scared, they basically do an impression of a panting dog that's trying to speak. It's a lot of breathing and stammering. Acting is also not this movie's strength. All the above flaws are enough of a turnoff, but the worst offense of this movie is that it's scary movie that's not scary. It's painfully dull and devoid of anything that may actually make it entertaining. It's as if all the interesting scenes were removed. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe they also cut out the parts that made this appear to be a coherent story. 'Slender Man' is one of the worst movies of 2018. It's not a scary movie that's so bad that it's secretly kind of fun. It's just a bad, boring movie. I recommend a hard pass.