The Fear
The Fear
| 20 January 1995 (USA)
The Fear Trailers

A weekend of 'fear therapy' turns into a nightmare of terror when a mannequin comes to life. Only those with the courage to confront their demons will survive.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Toronto85 Richard takes a group of his friends up to a secluded cottage to discuss their fears as a part of his university report. He finds an old wooden life-size dummy which is named "Morty". It was in his family for years. Anyways, they decide to tell Morty their fears. Some of their fears include bugs, water, heights, growing old, etc. Eventually, Morty begins to pop up in places scaring the group. And it isn't long before Morty comes to life and begins killing a few of them by using their fears.There are some subplots involved in the movie such as the identity of the campus rapist. We see a woman attacked on campus by an unknown assailant and discover that someone has been raping girls at the college. It is quickly obvious that the rapist is among the group of friends. And we also follow the individual relationships between each of the couples, which are mostly dysfunctional. There is also some weird borderline incest scene which was unnecessary. A lot of it just seemed to over the place. The acting is decent enough to not ruin the movie. And there are some interesting twists regarding some of the character's pasts (especially Richard's), but the film is too all over the place. The Fear never sticks to one plot for long periods of time. We've got this wooden person roaming around, but we are also trying to figure out the identity of the campus rapist. I think The Fear would have been better if it focused more on the creepy wooden dummy Morty. It trailed off too much onto other story lines and failed to provide any scares or frightening moments. Interesting twists, but this did not scare me in the slightest which is what a horror movie should do.4/10
Joseph P. Ulibas The Fear (1995) was a total snooze fest. I saw this movie several years ago on cable t.v. For the life of me I had no idea why I even bother watching the entire movie. I never thought I would experience such a lame horror film (that was until I watched a couple of Asylum productions). The only saving grace was the attractive mail order bride from Europe that guest star Vince Edwards shared screen time with. The story (if you want to know or bothering even caring about) has something to do with a wooden statue and a psycho killer. Horror hack Wes Craven makes a cameo appearance as a doctor.Put this bad boy in your D.V.D. player. Is it so lame and offensive that'll make you want to smash your t.v. set? No, it's lame in the sense that it'll put you to sleep in no time. Just wait until the European woman makes an appearance, then you'll have something to think about when you nod off. I would have to pass on this movie and run away from it the next time I see it on the video store shelf or on t.v.Not at all recommended.
Lando_Hass The Fear, is nothing but an insipid, washed up horror/suspense film gone completely wrong. The Fear has all of the basics that an average horror film needs, it has good acting (surprisingly), a little bit of nudity, and lots of dirty language, but all that is gone to complete waste because this film falls short on entertainment. There is a good plot, that might interest some people, but overall, this film lacks in blood and gore, and most of all, suspense. The plot is overall good, and interesting. Here's the story: This group of people all show up at a remote cabin in hope of conquering their worst fears. While they're there, they are all terrorized by a wooden dummy named `Morty'. Like I said, the plot in general, is interesting, and the plot is what will lead you to watch this movie. The acting was surprisingly good, considering the fact that this movie was almost never known to the world. Each actor gave moderately good performances, that at least gave the movie something good. Now here's the bad parts of the film. The sound effects are very horrible, when the wooden dummy walks, he makes loud `CLUMP!' sounds that lack in realism. The second reason is because the movie is VERY talkative. Throughout the entire film, it is basically talking, and nothing else. Third reason, is because you don't really see Morty walk much at all, and there is a lack of death scenes. If you want a better version of this film, watch part 2, it was WAY better. The Fear had so much potential, but it all went to waste. 4 out of 10
HumanoidOfFlesh I wasn't expecting this one to be good and I was right."The Fear" isn't the worst horror movie I have ever seen,but it surely comes close.The acting is awful,the gore is non-existent as well as suspense.Wes Craven is completely wasted here as Dr.Arnold but it is nice to see Ann Turkel from cult exploitation/horror film "Humanoids from the Deep"(1980).There are some interesting shades of Jung's philosophy floating in "The Fear",but I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody.2 out of 10-a total trash!