PG | 08 December 1988 (USA)
Twins Trailers

Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate low life and is about to be killed by loan sharks.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
John Doe This is one of Arnold's worst film besides Preditor, the story is dull and boring and the acting while is good is not good enough for the film. Bleh. I give Twins a 3/10
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Arnie movie in order, I come to Twins. Plot In A Paragraph: Julius (Arnie) a physically perfect but innocent man goes in search of his long-lost twin brother Vincent (Danny De Vito) a small-time crook.Last time I watched this movie, Arnie's love child had just been revealed to the world, and I felt it lost a lot of its charm due to Arnie not being so innocent. But it's easy to look past now, and again get caught up in the charm of the movie. The movie gets by solely on the charisma of Arnie and Danny De Vito, Of the supporting cast Kelly Preston stands out, she certainly stood out to me back in the 80's. Back then only Kylie Minogue and Christina Applegate (more specifically Kelly Bundy in Married With Children) were hotter to me. She is ridiculously hot here. Chloe Webb is OK, so is Bonnie Bartlett, Trey Wilson is poor and thankfully not involved much, Marshall Bell is weak as "You've seen my face" Webster. Arnies old mate Sven-Ole Thorsen again pops up, as does Sly's First Blood costar David Carruso in a small role, and look out for a young Heather Graham as the younger version of the mother. With the exception of the main stars most of the cast didn't do much of note after this. Even the gorgeous Kelly Preston did not capitalise on this movies success, I'm baffled she wasn't offered better projects than what she followed this with. One thing that has always bothered me, Julius made Vincent return the money, but to whom? The money came from Beetroot who was killed. And De Vito says "Four million dollars" at the end of the movie, yet earlier the price was $5,000,000 did Vincent lit to jilulius and secretly keep one million. Highlights for me were the first time they meet in the prison, every time Kelly Preston appeared on screen in her 80's attire, the scene with the mother in the office is surprisingly touching!! Something about De Vito's eyes touches me. And of course Kelly Preston (My GOD is she hot) seducing Arnie. Arnie finally had a smash hit, that not only ended the year in the Top 10 of the highest grossing movies of the year. It was also his first movie to gross over $100 million at the domestic box office. Twins ranked 5th with a gross of $111 million. Both were a personal best for Arnie.
Bele Torso Kelly Preston was smokin' hot in this movie! The "I could never get this gorgeous female who cannot not be a sex pot" kinda girl. Great casting here. Interesting plot which keeps you wondering, "could this happen?" but more important the sibling genetic similarities. I think this holds to be very true in families, even with the separated by birth dilemma. Arnold is directed well and plays the gentle giant with an intellect well because he is very smart. Note how Arnold never took the brash, arrogant, bad guy character which all muscle guys were typically cast as and stuck in this genre. Even in Terminator or Predator he wasn't that dumb moron big muscle bad guy who is in submission to the rich boss that wears a hair piece. PS--Kelly Preston is smokin' hot!
gavin6942 A physically perfect but innocent man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) goes in search of his long-lost twin brother (Danny DeVito), who is a short small-time crook.Looking back now (2015), it is interesting to think of this as the movie that made Arnold the most money. It has its high points and is pretty amusing, but is really very much a 1980s film. It is not the best Arnold film (perhaps not even top five) and certainly not the best Ivan Reitman picture.There is also the unusual subtext: a "perfect" man who comes out Aryan, and the leftovers form a short, swarthy man. Arnold even dyed his hair blonde for the film. By no means do I think Reitman intentionally was trying to make a Nazi reference, but it exists nonetheless.