R | 21 June 2002 (USA)
Dahmer Trailers

On February 15, 1992 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the world's most infamous serial killers, was convicted of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to 937 years in federal prison. This movie is based on events from his life.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Melissa Dahmer --Warning Spoilers--I've seen this movie 5 years ago for the first time and it had a huge impact on me! This movie became one of my favorite movies of all time and I'm still shocked that this movie scored into a 5 and not higher. This movie had everything there should be and to my saying it absolutely perfect! The way dahmer got portrayed from inside and outside couldn't have been better. Jeremy Renner looks A lot like dahmer i have to say even in the scenes he plays as young jeff dahmer it looks exactly how it should be. The movie leaves you feeling extremely empty and even sorry for dahmer. In total i must've watched it like 6 times and it still amazes me how good of a movie this is even though it was low-budget!
dushyant chaturvedi The first frame of the movie informs us that Dahmer was one of the most notorious killer of all time and he was sentenced to 937 years in prison!! You think that the movie will either tell you about the origin of this evil or will vividly show the kills. Alas, this is a philosophical discussion cum homoerotic dance which happens between Dahmer and one of his intended villain. Jeremy Renner is Dahmer, an unassuming guy who works in an ice cream factory. He is a homosexual. He lures guys to his home, mixes drugs in their drinks and then kills them. He likes a black guy, brings him home and the aforementioned philosophical bullshit starts. This is interspersed with scenes showing Dahmer's youth. Renner shows early hint of his awesome acting prowess but he cannot rise above the horrible script. It was as if the director chose the most boring 90 minutes of Dahmer's life to make the movie. Very disappointed. 1 out of 5 for Dahmer. This killer will bore you to death.
tmpj The crimes of Dahmer were sensational, and being from the mid-west, this writer knows that they were front-page news, and they hit home hard. This film does little to help understand Dahmer the killer or Dahmer the man. In fact, it is a huge disappointment because it does not cover the ultimate apprehending of Dahmer by an all too indifferent Milwaukee PoliceDepartment. To some degree, they bear responsibility for the protracted crime wave that ensued because of their inability to recognize what was happening. Dahmer, as did the cops, suffered from the blinding racism that was...and to some extent still is...pervasive in the society, and which may have been an influence on how he chose his victims. These attributes are all down-played in this film. Not much gore, and not much of a shocker. It fails to get across the elements of sheer evil and terror that were associated with these acts. Because of the lackluster way in which the film moves, and because it did not move me to shock but to anger...and because the script, acting, and chronology were disappointing...if not non-existent...I cannot recommend this film as being an authoritative source for familiarizing one's self with Dahmer. This is a film that literally demands the kind of blood and guts and cannibalism that we witness in action packed adventure films because it truly happened. Yet we get little of it. The film leans a bit too much toward being sympathetic to Dahmer, and that is dangerous. While Dahmer's case merits understanding to be sure, he does not merit sympathy in any wise. Maybe down the road, some intrepid soul will produce the definitive film on Dahmer. Unfortunately, for us, this film is not it.
wes-connors This is the story of an oily, but good-looking nerd named Jeffrey Dahmer; he loses his marbles after picking up a hunk who declines to have sex with him. The hunk, who used to wrestle in high school, gets chopped up as a consequence. This makes Dahmer's kitchen a bloody mess, because he is not proactive when it comes to cleaning up after himself. Apparently (and, this isn't shown), Dahmer had sex with the hunk's body, because this becomes his preferred sex act. He has sex with "dead" bodies for some intervening time - putting "dead" in quotes here, because Dahmer doesn't kill his victims; instead, he drugs them.There is also, apparently, some action between Dahmer and a mannequin he keeps in the closet (again, this isn't shown, but it seems to fit the character's personality). Dahmer picks up his soon-to-be doped lovers at a gay bar which also happens to double as a hotel for one-night-stands. Well, the groggy men must have looked a sight upon awakening, because the bartender gets hip to Dahmer's tricks, and cuts him off; in fact, bouncers throw Dahmer out on his butt. His ruse up, Dahmer decides to permanently "lobotomize" a man because finding another gay bar with attached hotel accommodations can't be an easy task.Studying pictures of the human brain, Dahmer uses his excellent "gaydar" to pick up a man shopping for sneakers. Then, he drills a hole in the drugged man's head, and puts him to bed. Also, Dahmer has either a more human-like mannequin or another body in bed with him. But, three is not enough company for Dahmer, and he picks a fourth man up while shopping for a knife. Alas, the bottle of pills Dahmer uses to drug his victims has dwindled down to a couple of hits, and the victim doesn't pass out. As a result, we get to see some heartfelt communication between the men, and the beginnings of an actual relationship.While still violent, Dahmer reveals his softer, philosophical side to his potential victim. He's actually a pretty clever dude. Finally, it seems like Dahmer has made a love connection. To see if it works out for the men, you'll have to watch the movie yourself… "Dahmer" is based on a true story and is done in the "non-linear" style (expect flashbacks). It's not quite a horror story and not quite a serial killer story. But, the performances are (all kidding aside) excellent. Director David Jacobson and Jeremy Renner make the lead character a sympathetic psycho, though we're never really sure why we should like him. And, determining what makes him tick is difficult. Watching Mr. Renner interact with his three victims - wrestler hunk Matt Newton (as Lance), sneaker dude Dion Basco (as Comte), and especially knife clerk Artel Kayaru (as Rodney) - is the film's greatest strength.******* Dahmer (6/21/02) David Jacobson ~ Jeremy Renner, Artel Kayàru, Matt Newton, Dion Basco