Fun with Dick and Jane
Fun with Dick and Jane
PG | 18 March 1977 (USA)
Fun with Dick and Jane Trailers

When an upwardly mobile couple find themselves unemployed and in debt, they turn to armed robbery in desperation.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Amy Adler Dick Harper (George Segal) and Jane, his wife (Jane Fonda) believe themselves to be living the high life. Dick has a great job and they are just putting the landscaping and pool into their dream house. But, alas, Dick gets fired by his asinine boss (Ed McMahon) and they are quickly behind on payments. Although Dick signs up for unemployment and gets it, its still crazy hard to pay any of the bills. Also, when Dick hilariously tries to moonlight as a gypsy song and dance man, his act is caught by the State officials and his income is cut off. No other jobs in the aerospace industry come along. That's when Jane gets the zany idea to try holding up businesses and doing other shady crimes to make ends meet. They even take the offerings of an obviously crooked evangelist ( an hilarious Dick Gautier) as he starts spouting off some VERY UNCHRISTIAN sentences. When they find out Dick's former boss is a cheater, too, D and J make plans to fix him but good and vastly increase their incomes. Can they pull it off? This adorable movie is a comedy classic that everyone will like. After a string of very serious roles, like Klute, Fonda chose to show her funny side again and she's great. So is Segal, who has never been more likable or attractive. Gautier, McMahon, and all the supporting cast is quite nice, too. Also, you will like the sets, costumes, script and energetic direction. This is fun, fun, fun, indeed, with Dick and Jane.
classicsoncall Well, Bonnie and Clyde they ain't. I recall this movie getting a lot of fanfare when it was first released back in 1977, hard to believe it'll be forty years old soon as I write this. Today was the first time I watched it and it was sort of underwhelming. I've never seen Ed McMahon in a principal movie role before so that was new for me. George Segal and Jane Fonda had the right chemistry to pull off their roles here, but a lot of times I thought the story was forced and didn't ring true to character. The stereotypical use of black and Hispanic actors in the picture would never pass muster today, though I don't generally have a problem with those kinds of portrayals when used to comic effect.Something I'd like to point out that really has nothing to do with the movie itself, but I've noticed this in other pictures as well. I generally turn on captioning when watching films so I don't miss any nuance in the dialog, and fairly consistently I find that any words that might be considered controversial are 'X'ed out. So for this picture, any time someone uses Dick Harper's (Segal) first name, it appears in captioning as 'XXXX'. You can do the translation, but the only thing that it does is draw more attention to the more prurient use of the word. I have to laugh every time it happens.I guess you can have some fun with this one in a Seventies nostalgic kind of way, but for me it wasn't very memorable at all. I actually know a married couple whose names are Dick and Jane who are friends of mine, and managed to reference the film the last time we got together. It was for a Happy Together concert tour we went to featuring a bunch of bands from the Sixties and Seventies, so at least we kept it in the same era as the picture.
Marc Israel Why do I keep coming back to this late 1970's politically incorrect story of a suburban couple who finds out they were one paycheck away from calamity? Oh, because so many people out here can relate to that on some scale. Our couple, portrayed by George Segal and Jane Fonda are really, really good a defining how we saw ourselves at that time. The man, upwardly mobile and celebrated as successful. The woman, liberated (and who more liberated than Jane Fonda?) and choosing to stay at home. yet they were both fooling themselves with their false sense of superiority. Sounds like the while middle class. We are laughing at ourselves, of course, and mostly because it's so true! Ed McMahon makes for a believable drunken ploy, so we are set. Put it in the player and enjoy!
Lee Eisenberg I had never heard of "Fun with Dick and Jane" until the remake came out. Now that I've seen the original, I really like it. George Segal and Jane Fonda play a yuppie couple whose well-to-do lifestyle suddenly gets interrupted when he loses his job. Realizing that they have no other choice, the two of them soon turn to theft to survive. But then there's his former employer (Ed McMahon)...The remake changed the story a little bit, updating the story so that it looked at the era of Enron, Adelphia, Worldcom, etc. This one is about about a simple firing and how the couple seeks revenge, with a lot of funny stuff. You're bound to love the trick that they pull at the end. A really fun movie.Half-cocked indeed.