The Life of David Gale
The Life of David Gale
R | 21 February 2003 (USA)
The Life of David Gale Trailers

A man against capital punishment is accused of murdering a fellow activist and is sent to death row.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Executscan Expected more
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
SnoopyStyle Reporter Bitsey Bloom (Kate Winslet) is asked by reclusive Texas death row prisoner David Gale (Kevin Spacey) to do interviews in his last four days. Gale was a sincere anti-death penalty organization Deathwatch member and college professor who raped and killed fellow member Constance Harraway (Laura Linney). Disgruntled student Berlin (Rhona Mitra) seduced the married David and filed a rape charge. His wife took their son away. Berlin ran off. Despite the charges being dropped, he lost his job and became a drunk. In the present, Bitsey and her chaperon Zack Stemmons are followed by a mysterious cowboy.There is a big twist in this movie. It is ultimately a cheat because it wouldn't work politically. The premise is twisted to the extreme until it stops making sense. The worst part is that it feels like a cheat. The movie could have said something poignant about the death penalty but in the end, it says something about the simplicity of this argument.
bahrom1 Let me start by saying that I never give movies I review one star and I don't bother reading one star reviews by others either. One star should be reserved for something with production values of porn. There are very few normal movies that fall to that level and IMO anybody who doesn't get that has no sense of proportion and isn't worth paying attention to.All that said, I was pretty tempted to give 1 star to this. Such a sad sad waste of talent. There is suspense here and there is good acting by Kevin Spacey, Laura Linney, Kate Winslet and others. But to what end?! Instead of a provocative examination of death penalty (a topic definitely worth examining) which is promised for a large portion of the movie what we end up getting in the finale is a disgusting story with absolutely NO message. None, zilch, nada. It made me physically sick but that was all. If that was the filmmakers goal then they succeeded. But really, it would have been much easier and faster to stick two fingers down my throat.**** SPOILERS ahead**** The twist in the end serves no purpose other than to shock. It completely cheapens the subject matter and robs the movie of any moral value. Like if Clarice had turned out to be secretly in cahoots with Dr Lecter all along and went to join him for dinner he was planning at the end of Silence of the Lambs. Certainly it doesn't contribute to the capital punishment debate. If you were for it then you'll be reinforced in your views and think that the main characters were twisted sickos who fully deserved what they got and proved nothing by their stunt. If you were against it you'll just be offended.Two stars. You've been warned.
jameswilliams784 Having read many of the reviews, I fail to understand how so many can view this as a bad movie. I thought this was a thought provoking movie and certainly a lot better than what a lot of people are saying about it. Outstanding performances by Kate Winlset and Kevin Spacey. The story revolves around a Professor who is on death row for the rape and murder of a colleague. Kevin Spacey plays this role excellently. Kate Winslet is a reporter who is given the chance by Spacey to tell his story. I do not wish to spoil the ending for anyone who decides to watch this movie so suffice to say, to get this movie will need to watch it from the beginning and keep track of what is happening. Some things will happen early in the movie that don't seem to be important yet the end up being critical.
angmac03 I have seen this movie many times over the last 10 years, and seeing it again tonight, being moved to heart wrenching tears at the end, I had to FINALLY make an official IMDb account and make my very first review. I am an IMDb addict, I scour it every time I watch a movie, and I always appreciate every day people's reviews. Most people say they write their first review about a movie they hate, but for me, it is this piece of genius storytelling that made me finally make the effort to register and review. The story is so completely original. The acting is nothing less than superb. Kevin is so classy and honesty so utterly compelling and believable. Laura Linney proves her commitment to the story, above and beyond where others might put their vanity first. But it is Kate Winslets performance that is the absolute clincher. Please make sure you watch this movie to the VERY end and I guarantee your heart will feel like it is ripped out of your chest. Quite easily in my top 5 movies of all time. And perhaps the best drama I have ever seen. Well done everyone involved in this film. Please do yourself a favor and watch this film, or if you have already, watch it again and again. Not often a truly compelling original storyline comes along like this.