R | 31 December 1986 (USA)
Witchboard Trailers

Playing around with a Ouija board, a trio of friends succeeds in contacting the spirit of a young boy. Trouble begins when the evil spirit, Malfeitor, takes over one of their bodies.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lucabrasisleeps I know this movie has its detractors but it works for me. I am not sure about cheesiness though. Is it really as cheesy as what people say? Some people seem to be annoyed that it didn't go the comedy route but I am not interested in that at all. I think we have enough lame horror comedies as it is.Tawny Kitaen is gorgeous here. I had a slight crush on her since I am a fan of 80s rock and she seemed to be a fixture on the music videos. She was at her peak here so that is one reason to watch this. There is one nude scene too. I am not sure about the other two actors but they seem to have done quite a bit of work since then. Personally I liked the characters in the movie. You don't really expect likable characters in cheesy 80s horror movies but in this one, I thought the relationship between the two male characters was nice to see. In a way the woman is not so likable but her actions are understandable as part of the possession.The movie also makes the correct decision of removing the Zarabeth character fairly early in the movie. I really couldn't stand her acting, it would have really brought down the movie if she had continued till the end.The plot is predictable and there are no big twists from what I have seen. Still the atmosphere is built up slowly and there are not many over the top scenes or special effects to distract from the plot. I am not so satisfied with the ending though. It seems too abrupt and was disappointing a little bit. The last possession bit is also interesting and full marks to Tawny Kitaen for that. The dream sequence and the scenes close to the ending are highlights.Overall it is a quality horror movie but maybe the ending could have been better.7/10
Jamie Spraggon It's called an Ouija Board, and it's been used for thousands for years to communicate with the souls of the after-world. For Linda Brewster it brings the playful ghost of a 10 year-old boy. But when the friendly spirit develops a sudden taste for murder and demonic possession. Linda's boyfriend and her former lover must destroy this ferocious portal of the damned. This is no game; this is WITCHBOARD.This film starred: Tawny Kitaen, Todd Allen & Stephen Nichols.WITCHBOARD is so underrated, you get a few shocks as it is a horror film, OK it's not the scariest film ever made, in-fact it's no where near one of the scariest films ever made, however this film does do it's job as a horror film as it gives you a couple of scares and has suspense, shocks & huge plot twists along the way. I do recommend this film.****/***** Very good
Boba_Fett1138 This is a movie that definitely had some potential, since it featured a good and interesting enough horror concept but this gets ruined by its unimaginative story and approach by its film-makers.This is a movie with a story that would had worked out great as a supernatural thriller but it instead picks a more easy and common horror approach. It's really made like a typical horror flick, while its story called for a more subtle approach. This really goes at the expenses of all of the tension and build up of things. Instead now we have a movie that is lacking in good horror and in which besides far too little is happening.It really isn't until half way through that things really start to kick in. But just when you thought the movie was getting good and interesting again, it gets ruined by its final 30 minutes, which aren't really in tone with the rest of the movie and it ends things quite abruptly as well, which is so disappointing. In fact, the ending was just plain bad and even made me laugh at how clumsily it all got done and was looking.This movie is really some wasted potential.5/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
manchester_england2004 WITCHBOARD is a 1980s horror movie about a Ouija Board.The 1980s were a decade where horror was dominated by the slasher genre. I love these movies. They were entertaining and usually tense even if rarely scary. Whether it be Freddy, Jason or Michael, or other works such as THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW, SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE, VISITING HOURS, SLAUGHTER HIGH, MADMAN or MANIAC, I am definitely a fan of 1980s slasher horror.Non-slasher horrors from the 1980s resulted in a mixed set of works. I love movies like THE CHANGELING, SCANNERS, AFTER MIDNIGHT, CREEPSHOW, DEMONS and DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE. But for each one of these there were plenty I consider sub-par. I thought THE ENTITY, SUPERSTITION, PUPPET MASTER, MAUSOLEUM, SKINNED ALIVE, THE BEAST WITHIN, VIDEODROME, American Gothic, CUJO, ZOMBIE NOSH, MIDNIGHT, PUMPKINHEAD, THE UNSEEN amongst many others were dull, uninspiring works.Before seeing WITCHBOARD, I saw the director's other well-known movie, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS. I can understand the appeal of that movie to fans of 1980s movies. It has all the clichés from the era. But I couldn't get into it at all. I didn't find it effective, scary or particularly entertaining either to be honest. I was very hesitant about seeing WITCHBOARD because of this.But I was wrong because WITCHBOARD is absolutely nothing like NIGHT OF THE DEMONS. There are no teenagers, no silly masks and make-up effects, cheesy sex scenes or gallons of fake blood to be found here. It may have the 1980s costumes and hairstyles but it is different in every other way to a typical 1980s movie.The story sees the spirit of a 10-year old boy, David, who died more than 2000 years ago, released via a Ouija board during a party. Linda Brewster uses the board more and more to the point of obsession. The kindly spirit starts to turn nasty and supernatural occurrences begin.But the story takes many twists and turns. Its strength lays within its solid script and excellent characterisation. This is very much a character-driven affair and the story develops effectively because of it. There was never a dull moment here. The story keeps the viewer guessing as the twists and turns take hold.The two leading male characters - Jim and Brandon - are well fleshed out. The conflict between them in the first half of the movie and how they re-kindle their former strong friendship in the second half was truly compelling, emotionally touching and very realistic.Kevin Tenney's direction is first rate and nothing like his work on NIGHT OF THE DEMONS. Superb camera angles, well-timed sound effects and excellent use of high-pitched chords keep the suspense and tension going in WITCHBOARD.The menacing force is rarely seen but is implied so effectively by the script and the direction. Many of the most horrific and suspenseful scenes actually take place in DAYTIME but this does not do anything to undermine their effectiveness. This is how well-made WITCHBOARD is.The acting is first rate as well. Todd Allen, Tawney Kitaen and Stephen Nichols truly bring their characters to life. There is no overacting here. These actors are nothing like the bland, annoying youngsters you find in a typical 1980s movie. There are thankfully no moronic guys or hysterical young girls to be found.And special mention should be given to Kathleen Wilhoite, whose punk spiritual medium character was one of the most interesting eccentric characters to appear in a horror movie.For those interested, there is one scene of full-frontal female nudity to be found. But it is done in a non-sexual context and in a surprisingly non-gratuitous manner. Again, this is very different from the usual manner nudity features in a typical 1980s movie. I am very fussy in this respect. So if the nudity appeals to me, other guys should be delighted! The only complaint I have is the song over the ending credits. I would rather have had a creepy orchestral score. But this is a minor flaw in an otherwise perfect piece of work.Overall, WITCHBOARD is a truly excellent underrated horror gem from a bygone era. It ranks up high with the best 1980s movies like THE EVIL DEAD and EVILSPEAK in its effectiveness. The low rating on IMDb really is a mystery. I wholeheartedly recommend any horror fan to view it at least once.