Black Ribbon
Black Ribbon
| 28 September 2007 (USA)
Black Ribbon Trailers

A writer buys a typewriter which brings out his deepest and darkest desires.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
movieman_kev Ken Richardson (Tony Rugnetta of "Requim for a Vampire" which this movie even name drops) is a writer who buys a typewriter that belonged to a demonic man, whom he gets fascinated with in the extremely low budget film. He soon befriends a mentally challenged young man who's more then willing to help him in his new unholy endeavors. Wow where do I start with this film? It has plot lines that literally go nowhere and whole characters appear and disappear from the movie without a second thought. It's extremely disjointed and seems to have been cobbled together with no rhyme nor reason. But be that as it may, at points the film is (unintentualy) hilarious and provided me with enough drunken amusement to at least warrant a recommendation. The acting is supremely awful and beer or hard liquor is pretty much a prerequisite. As a matter of fact if I were to rate this film purely on it's merit I'd likely give it a D-, but instead i'm rating it on it's hilarity.Eye Candy: Debbie D is fully nude for most of her scenesMy Grade: BDVD Extras: Slide show; Bloopers; Cast interviews; auditions; deleted scenes (wth more nudity from Debbie); and trailers for this film, as well as "Clean" (with still more nudity), "Dr. Shock's Grindhouse of Horrors", & "the Innocent"
emlouise Where do i begin with this movie?It was bad,really bad,laughable at some felt like they were reading from scripts and one actor was waiting for the last one who had lines to finish before he or she would begin,it didn't all!! I just didn't get it.. I'm one of these people that will watch a movie regardless of what reviews it's had,I honestly wish I hadn't.There is one scene in the movie where a girl gets kidnapped and is being used as a "pet",she goes to the house where she is being held to welcome the new couple to the community,she says that her and her partner moved there last summer,as I said she gets kidnapped and is being held as a "pet".. where was her partner? why didn't he come looking for her? The police do finally go looking and knock at the house where she is being held,she makes a noise and the police are told its a cat,they don't ask to look around!!.. that wouldn't happen,it just wasn't believable at all,and what was with the end?? what was that all about?? I gave this a 2,only cos like i said it made me laugh at how bad the acting became at some points.
annastevens2233 Interesting film! I heard that a new film was being released by the guy who made Requiem for a Vampire. I think I either read it on or in Fango. Anyway, I noticed it was coming out on August 5th so I found it on and pre-ordered it. I must say that it was a little shocking to see what that poor girl Emily, played by Debbie D goes through. I love the guy who plays Willie in the film (S. Feddor) I've seen him on TV, I believe in the HBO series OZ. What a hunk. I watched it with a few friends and I think it was the first movie in a long time that no one got up and went to the bathroom or to get something to eat. It kept us glued to the screen because you never knew what was coming up next. Very cool movie. I see that he's working on a film now about a strange town called Process. Can't wait. Looks like a few of the same actors are involved. Buy it or rent it. There is a lot of nudity (full frontal) and some weird bondage stuff, so just be aware it's for a mature audience. Like I said, It's very interesting. Cool ending.
johnnyo-5 If you're a fan of Debbie D, you'll love this film. It turns out that she's a very good actor. Some of her other films don't feature her in speaking roles. I liked the movie. Some of the scenes are a little shocking and disturbing even for a avid horror fan. Pace is quick and tight, no filler, just non stop action once it gets cranking. The beginning seems a little slow, only because I think the director wants you to know the characters, but when Debbie D's character falls into the clutches of this madman, played by Tony Rugnetta, all bets are off. I liked the soundtrack too. Sounded like a real orchestra, something most don't expect in a low budget flick. Overall, I enjoyed it.