Rosewood Lane
Rosewood Lane
R | 15 October 2011 (USA)
Rosewood Lane Trailers

Radio talk show therapist Sonny Blake moves back to her childhood home on seemingly idyllic Rosewood Lane after her alcoholic father dies. But upon arrival in the old neighborhood, Sonny discovers her neighbors are terrified of the local paperboy. She thinks this is ridiculous, until she encounters the boy himself. It turns out that he is a cunning and dangerous sociopath, one who may have gruesomely killed her father - and others.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
rooprect If you recognize the line in my title then you might want to turn away because you won't be able to sit through this movie with a straight face. Through no fault of "Rosewood Lane" which otherwise is a good thriller, it dives into a plot that seems so preposterous that it became the running gag in the hilarious 80s dark comedy "Better Off Dead". That plot is, of course, that a supernatural psycho paperboy terrorizes the town.Excuse me, I just spewed milk out my nose.OK getting serious for a minute, "Rosewood Lane" handles itself very well. It should be noted that it is NOT a horror movie; it's a thriller. And, as the filmmakers explain in the "Making Of" feature, that means it has a slower pace, more character development and more atmospheric investment than the average slasher. Aside from a death in the opening scene, half the movie focuses on the main character's psychological complexities (growing up abused, dealing with newly surfaced demons of her past, a failed relationship, issues of professional ethics, and perhaps a slight nod to her OCD). While this side of the movie doesn't provide many popcorn spilling shockers, I thought it was a new & interesting angle of approaching the protagonist. In a sentence: she's just 1 psychology degree away from the looney bin, herself.So when she starts seeing a psycho paperboy stalking her around every corner, we're not quite sure how much is real and how much is delusion. I think Rose McGowan did an excellent job of playing a tough, mentally guarded character who is overcompensating for deep, suppressed issues which she probably hasn't conquered as she'd like to claim.Another good acting job comes from Daniel Ross Owens (creepy paperboy) who, though perhaps looking too old for the role, pulls off the psychotic thing really well, particularly in an awesome "laugh" he delivers toward the end. You'll know the one I'm talking about.So in the end I recommend this movie to anyone who is not expecting a horror flick but rather a slow moving thriller with some good momentum. In style/feel alone (not in story!) I might compare this to "The Sixth Sense" because it has an atmosphere of darkness with a surreal quality lighting the main actors. In other words it has a dreamlike quality to it, not stark realism. I thought that was a nice choice considering the psychological spin. In the interviews, the director mentions Hitchcock (in particular "Psycho") as perhaps a strong influence, and I can definitely see that, the way the house at Rosewood Lane becomes a sinister character itself, like the Bates Motel.But... oh lordy help me, I just couldn't get those 80s paperboys out of my head. If you see this movie, then just for laughs afterwards, AFTERwards so not to spoil it, go to YouTube and search for "Better Off Dead two dollars" and you'll see what I mean. Even the foot-in- the-door gag is there, making me wonder if it was a direct homage. Well you know what they say... ghoulies & ghosties & long legged beasties & paperboys who go bump in the night...
Devon Kelly It took me three attempts to watch this movie in its entirety.I found the start super slow and I just couldn't get hooked into it, I felt like there was a lot of repeating and I didn't find it scary or jumpy or even creepy.I was starting to go down the route of 'demon paperboy' after the multiple signs, which is why I came back a third time to finish the movie. I was hoping it'd turn a little bit paranormal or scary but it didn't.I found the ending really confusing. I don't understand what happened to Bennett or Monster. After the character gets killed through the cat flap I found it almost hit fast forward and everything happened at once.You don't get told why the cop stayed around or snuck back into the house after the power cut and that really annoyed me. I felt like it was another plot hole after Bennett going missing.After the paperboy gets killed, and you see his triplets at the funeral, I hoped that there would be a little more explanation but it just kinda ended. I've searched online for one but everyone seems to be as confused as me.I'd watch it again if I was with someone who wanted to see it but I wouldn't purchase it on DVD or recommend.
wolf-peters Jesus Christ. this is true victor salva! if you liked jeepers creepers you will surely enjoy this, same elements and at one point even the same scene. the man can make a truly creepy movie without punching you in the face with the CGI, something rare these days. well shot, low budget gold! rose mcgowan incredible, just like in planet terror. awesome movie, its definitely worth a watch for the horror movie guys. i REALLY don't understand how this has such a low rating! try watching it. awesome movie, good acting. victor salva has done it again. i have to say it one more time: IF YOU LIKED JEEPERS CREEPERS AND JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 (and cant wait for the third part) YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS. GOOD MOVIE IN ALL THE WAYS! if you are not too critic with it it can take you inside the story and make you feel it. as his other movies it has some sequences that make your heart go like if you were living the scene. cant wait for the next salva work. "PERSIANS! COME AND GET THEM." Leonidas - 300.
dynastylounge305 This movie was completely a waste of my time. The story line gets you no where and doesn't make sense at all. There is no back story to the villain you never find out if the freaking Paper Boy is a real person or some kind of demonic force or triplets or all of the above and you never find out what the F-word his purpose was or who he was. I should expect this from the same douche bag who made those horrible jeepers creepers movies. Also you never find out in the end if her freaking husband is dead or alive. More about this paper boy, number one the paper boy doesn't look like a boy or minor at all. I feel like this movie was horribly thought out with excellent actors. I think everyone watching this movie lost at least 20 point off there IQ. May God have mercy on the souls of these bastards who made this film.