The Body
The Body
PG-13 | 20 December 2001 (USA)
The Body Trailers

An ancient skeleton has been discovered in Jerusalem in a rich man's tomb. Colouration of the wrist and leg bones indicates the cause of death was crucifiction. other signs, include a gold coin bearing the marks of Pontius Pilate and faint markings around the skull, lead authorities to suspect that these could be the bones of Jesus Christ. Politicians, clerics, religious extremists and those using terror as a means to an end, find their beliefs and identities tested while risking their lives to unearth the truth.....

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
paladin0110 The Body is based on a book. Like all screenplays it will have much in common & differences. Father Matt is a Jesuit, & experienced the horrors of war. He has faith, a Doctorate in Roman History, & is an experienced investigator. Sent on a mission by the Vatican, assured its just a body. The archaeologist, a Jewish woman, Sharon, is more like your typical liberal, religious only on a holiday. She can't believe anyone would complain about her publishing papers on the find. She even feels she a Dominican Scholar like herself would approve, only that Scholar can't cope & jumps to his death in a state of despair. Much happens, & faith is all remains, either the body is Christ, or a man whose mother prayed her son would have a home with God. Just as your mother probably prays for you. Either way, Father Matt knows it is not Christ, however he does leave Rome, maybe no longer a priest, but still a Man of God. The music is beautiful & it is shot in the Holy Lands, that in itself deserves to be watched. Lastly Banderas is mildly understated, as a Priest who has seen war would be.
notify-christina Good idea, good cast, good camera, poor script and lazy dialogs. I didn't expect it to be a landmark, but the production didn't even try enough.It could have been a great religious thriller (the idea was good) and a great political statement (at least three sides to depict).What the movie does instead, is deliver lazy dialog, simplify the religious implications and picture the local politics in the safest way possible.Nothing intense enough. After I saw the film, it felt like a soap opera :(
sol **SPOILERS** Complicated religious thriller involving the finding of the remains, or bones, of a man who was crucified around the time of Jesus. The facts that the remains were found, under Nasir Hamid's hardware shop, in a discovered underground tomb in Jerusalem made it a political hot potato for everyone involved: The Vatican the Palestinians and Israelis.The film "The Body" has the Vatican send Father Matt Gutierrez to Jerusalem in order to keep the discovery from seeing the light of day in the fear if in fact it is Jesus' remains it will shake the very foundations of the Catholic Church: The death and resurrection of Christ! The Israelis under the guise of Israeli top official Moshe Cohen use the discovery for their own political purposes! Cohen want to use the bones to pressure the Vatican to recognize a united Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state of Israel! As for the Palestinians they have the most to lose. The fact that they may well end up behind the eight ball by having the Vatican and the entire Christian world leave them out in the cold by disenfranchising them from their claim that Jerusalem is their, not Israel's, capital.Getting in touch with the Israeli archaeologist Sharon Golban in charge of determining if the bones are genuine Father Matt, a former intelligence officer in El Salvador before he became a priest, becomes more and more convinced, as the evidence mounts, that they are that of Jesus! Going against his superiors- Cardinal Pesci-wishes Father Matt is now in danger of not only being defrocked but losing his faith in the church, and religion, that's saved him from a life of guilt, in what he did back in El Salvador, and misery!The movie has Palestine radical Abu Yosef use every mean at his disposal to keep the truth of the discovery of Jesus' remains, if that's what they are, from being used by the Israeli Government to its advantage: The recognition by the Vatican in a united Jerusalem as Israel's capital! Father Matt in trying to prove, as ordered by Cardinal Pesci, that the bones are not that of Jesus soon realizes that he's being used as a pawn by the Vatican for its political not religious purposes.****SPOILERS*** The movie ends on a bittersweet note in that we never find out the truth of the mysterious remains found in Jerusalem because their destroyed, together with himself, by a wild eyed and insane Abu Yosef. Abu who had his followers kidnap Sharon's two children in order for her to gives the bones to him, for safe keeping, broke his word to Nasir Hamid who was blackmailed by him to kidnap them. This set off a chain of events that lead to not only the bones being destroyed but Father Matt quiting the Catholic Church, as a priest, and ending up seeking God and Jesus in his own personal way. A way in which faith in God not the politics of man guides him.
DICK STEEL The premise of this movie seemed interesting enough, although to some, it might be blasphemy. What if one day, the body (or rather, skeletal remains) of Christ was discovered in a similarly described tomb, with tell tale signs of the crucification, the spear wound, injuries inflicted by the crown of thorns, and the tomb dating back to 1 AD? This film looks at the possible destruction of the faith which hinges on the one man's resurrection as God. Olivia Williams plays an Israeli Sharon Golban, who discovers this body in a tomb she excavates. Suspecting she could be on to something big, she calls for a priest to confirm her suspicion. Soon, word gets around, rumours get spread. The Vatican dispatches one of their priests, Father Gutierrez (played by Antonio Banderas), and ex-military intelligence officer, to investigate and proof or disproof the claim.While science points to the fact that the body may be that of Christ, it gives a chilling insight into what could make, or break, a religion. Is it blind faith that keeps it going, even if there should come a day when science can ultimately disproof certain theories and events? Here, discovering that body has serious implications because of the repercussions that the major event in Christ's life have on Christians. But what diluted this film from its primary premise is the introduction of Hollywood subplots to jazz up production, like having the Vatican embroiled in political intrigue, and having terrorist organizations taking an interest in the findings as well.It's a relatively low budgeted production, but one which raised thought provoking questions even if the delivery somehow got distracted in attempts to become a bigger movie in terms of action sequences. I think this film probably would be a good prologue to the controversies that surround next year's Da Vinci Code.Code 1 DVD contains "special features", but nothing out of the ordinary besides the usual trailers, audio, and scene selections.