Persons Unknown
Persons Unknown
| 27 December 1996 (USA)
Persons Unknown Trailers

When former cop and current security expert Jim Holland has a one night stand with Amanda after getting in her way roller-blading. That introduction turns out to be a well thought out plan by Amanda and her sister Molly, to obtain security codes. The girls and their cohorts rob his client and stash the loot. All the while, detective Jim has been following them and he grabs the money for himself. Then his conscience gets the best of him and he falls in love with Molly. His client turns out to be drug dealers and he's forced to risk his life to protect Molly and Amanda.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
xiaochnwng Right after the male protagonist went to those two sister girls, this movie went straight downhill and that's just about half way through the film. There are some really bad editings in this film. TOO BAD that they are so obvious to the point you'll know that those scenes or actions happened probably right after the director called "Action!" Some of the scenes where one actor doesn't have lines but needs to be in the shot are so raw. These scenes look like a rehearsal rather than a professional shot. I guess either the director didn't spend time with the actors in rehearsal or he doesn't care about rehearsals. The cinematography in this film is bad too, lack of interesting angles, depth of field, no contrast or hightlight...and so you can't feel the tension in certain scenes where they are supposed to hold your breath. The climax is a JOKE. I had to laugh so hard when I saw this is really how the film ended. It's a direction lack of wit or hard work basically speaking... too much negative stuff about this movie and it'll keep me talking for the rest of the day. Well, when a movie went so badly wrong, we would always have to assume the director doesn't do a good job first, bad directing on set, communication, prep work..... It's a low budget movie I understand but low budget doesn't mean the quality of the production has to be rubbish.
solpsizm I first saw this on cable many years ago as it seemed to be replayed endlessly on HBO, Cinemax and Showtime, almost always late at night. Was quite pleasantly surprised upon the first viewing, and have seen it numerous times since.First a caveat: the villains are a bit too much like caricatures at times. (JT Walsh, always fine, is the exception.) However, though this is the weak part of the film these scenes are watchable, do not halt the momentum and there are some fine moments (like the shooting on the highway near the end).What really stood out for me though were the scenes between Mantegna and Watts. For anyone who has any familiarity with fate taking a dump on you and irrevocably changing your life for the worse, these 2 characters with their heartbreaking and compelling backstories will really move and involve you.The writing and directing is top notch in these scenes, and the performances are outstanding. (I've never seen Watts as good even in her more highly praised roles; BTW, I've also never seen her as beautiful and attractive, too). The way the backstories are presented are very realistic, no overdramatics here -- and I really like the fact that there were no flashbacks nor too many details given, only what the characters felt necessary or able to divulge.This is especially true for Naomi Watts' wheelchair-bound character. We can see how jaded she is from her suffering, but she never explicitly mentions the incident that caused her to be wheelchair-bound, which is how it would be in real life.I do not say this lightly: these scenes are some of the most poignant, absorbing and moving scenes between two romantic yet damaged characters that I've seen, at least in recent memory.Also excellent on this film were Kelly Lynch (never seen her better and rarely have I seen a heroin addict better portrayed), the soundtrack which I found haunting and evocative, and the crisp and beautiful camera-work.Unfortunately, the DVD version of this film does not have the best video transfer and is slightly grainy and subdued, so the cinematography can't be fully appreciated; the image transfer was significantly better when it was aired on cable, although I haven't seen it on cable in at least five years. Still very worth seeing and perhaps buying.Although there are better made movies out there as well as in my collection, this is one of the very few movies that -- if not the only one -- I find myself watching at least once every half year or so. I just wish they would air on cable again soon so I could see that better image transfer and record it on DVR.
sydneypatrick I bought this movie on-line because it was cheaper than renting it. That said, with a cast lead by the likes of the ever-reliable Joe Mantegna and the under-used Kelly Lynch, and supported by Naomi Watts and John Favrau, my expectations were sadly high. This is nothing more than standard crime fare with double crossing and crazy drug killers and one nasty cop (the always great JT Walsh). However, beneath all that, lies a tender love story between two broken people who just can't take another heart break. I'm a sucker for a love story like this, and it works in no small part thanks to the talents of Mantegna and Watts. I'm glad to have it in my collection.
zoltar55 I'm a big fan of Kelly Lynch and in this little movie she did it again she can act.The story is good and the action is fast enough to keep you interest going.Joe Mantegna and an actress I never heard of Naomi Watts did a fairly good job.J.T Walsh os fantastic again.I'm going to miss him a lot he was a great actor.So movie fans if you got the chance to see this movie in a video store try it it's worth the rental fee.Enjoy