Love Always, Santa
Love Always, Santa
| 06 November 2016 (USA)
Love Always, Santa Trailers

After losing her husband Bradley three years ago on Christmas Day, Celia Banks never thought she’d fall in love again. Now, her entire world revolves around taking care of her daughter, Lilly. Lilly writes a letter to Santa with one wish – for her mommy to be happy and find love again.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Jane H I watch a lot of Hallmark movies and enjoy them, but it's always a great pleasure when one rises above the fold and turns out to be much better than expected. That's the case with this one.The lead actors are appealing, the romantic chemistry is good, and the premise of the little girl writing to Santa, who writes back and then falls for the mom--that's all good. But what makes it so much better than average is the humor in the script. I *loved* the various side characters like the hero's best friend, who is always making sarcastic quips about marriage and kids (but really loves his own family). The heroine's sister's husband and his buddy, Randy, are obsessed with a potato shooting contest. Randy is such a crazy guy, he practically deserves a series of his own. Brilliant! Then there's the heroine's Hemingway-themed cafe, called The Bun Also Rises, with menu items like To Ham and Ham Not and The Old Man and the Tea. The ending with the magical Christmas barn and sleigh was tongue-in-cheek about all the Hallmark Christmas smaltz, yet in a fond way. It worked.There are a few Hallmarks that stand out due to really good scripts -- I love Seven Year Hitch (2012) and Naughty Or Nice (2012). This movie goes to the top of the heap for me. In fact, I even looked up the writers and am seeking out more of their movies. I've never done that.Watch it!
Christmas-Reviewer BEWARE OF FALSE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW TO THEIR NAME. NOW WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE MOVIE. IF ITS A NEGATIVE REVIEW THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST THE FILM . I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 200 HOLIDAY FILMS. I HAVE NO AGENDA.First of all the woman in the cover photo does not look like (Marguerite Moreau) the woman who stars in this film!In this Hallmark film A widow's daughter writes to Santa Claus, asking for her mother to find love again. When a struggling writer receives the letter, he finds new inspiration and the beginnings of a romance.The film starts off great. It had lots of promise but slowly goes off the rails. That is too bad. The cast was very capable of delivering great and believable performances. The first hour the film is great then it becomes "okay" during the 2nd hour. The actors save this film from failing. That is why I am giving this film a 7.
peterkoch-98114 The story revolves around a girl of 8 who has lost her father, so writes to Santa about her concerns and the wish for her mother to smile again. Having handed the letter to the postman it finds its way to Santa Inc., run by two charming but eccentric older ladies. It just so happens that a young, successful writer is assisting Santa Inc. responding to children's wishes in an effort to rekindle his enthusiasm for writing after a bitter divorce. Being flooded with material wishes, he is touched by the letter expressing matters of the heart, so responds equally in a way to give hope. From here it opens the possibility to deal with loss and relationships in a lighthearted but sensitive way that engages the viewer in a clever little story.You have to listen very carefully to what is being said. The writer has captured important emotions and spun them into interesting messages. Even those characters who may seem boorish, surprise you with simple home spun wisdom's. Having watched the film more than once, you can't help developing a warmth for all the characters, from young to old. The story is simple and straightforward, therefore method acting is not called for and all those appearing seem to be in the right place.I think that when the 'end of shooting' party occurred they hadn't quite finished. After the effort of constructing a thoughtful story they rolled out of the party and scripted a slightly bizarre conclusion. The actors took it in good spirit, so it doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment.Conclusion: 8.0 Xmas points, for a warm and enjoyable film with a small deduction for the lost opportunity at the end.
Reno Rangan It's already a Christmas season, the televisions are packed with those themed films. So basically you can't escape from watching at least couple of them in a year. Now mine begins with this, especially Hallmark's films are special in this trademark. This is another romance themed Christmas film that is set in a little town where a young girl writes a letter to Santa wishing her mother to find love and happiness again. It will be received by a struggling writer, who replies in the name of Santa and so on, they become pen pals. But when he decides to meet them in person, the reality is different than what he thought of them. Between his two identities, revealing what he actually is what becomes challenging. The remaining film is to disclose how the story ends.Almost all the Christmas films are kind of similar, especially in romance theme. But the conclusions are dead easy to predict, because they always have a happy ending. This story was not bad, particularly in the first half. I lost interest only in the final act, they should have avoided the drag, otherwise this is a decent film. But still it is, particularly for the family audience this would be a much effective film, and to watch during the holiday season. The casting was good, nice production as well. Being a television film, it's not so bad. Since this is the first film I watched in this season, I did find it good and looking forward for other titles. -Love always, me!6/10