The Night Before the Night Before Christmas
The Night Before the Night Before Christmas
| 20 November 2010 (USA)
The Night Before the Night Before Christmas Trailers

When Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early, crashes into the Fox family's house, ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents, he needs help! But the Fox family are a modern and broken family. Can they help him? The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids aren't very festive. But it's up to them to help Santa find his magical bag of toys and the clock is ticking or Christmas will be ruined. Forced to set their own problems aside and work together the Fox family rediscover how much they enjoy being together and realise that maybe they need to reprioritise their lives. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is a crazy Christmas fantasy for all the family, brimming with festive spirit.

Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
naresh-gharat even though i am watching this movie in 2015,i must say... This is an excellent family Christmas movie... The main & most IMPORTANT feature of this movie is, from start to end this movie sticks to main concept of it & that is >> Christmas & FAMILY <<it never looses its family & Christmas oriented track throughout entire running time.So if you want to see a perfect Christmas movie this holiday season..( without stupid romantic angles or enemies or stupid fight sequences....)Please please please !!! watch this movie...
henryhertzhobbit Now that I have said how I feel about it I must warn that most people will not like this movie. It is too cliché, too predictable, and maybe too slow. But it is unique in the fact that this is the only Santa show I know that Santa doesn't know he is Santa.So why do I like it? I don't really know but Christmas before last was when I first saw it and it seems to have just the right homey touches and surprises. It won't win academy awards but it will be suitable for small children or children at heart. I especially liked the bag and its travels. I don't know why but I missed this movie last year. I am getting it several times this year and it is like an old soft shoe. I like it just as much as Kelsey Grammar's A Christmas Carol (The Musical) and Tom Hanks The Polar Express. Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without these movies and the wonderful music the school choirs sing.
Nick Drakeford I joined this site to say this.Television movies get a lot of flack. The reality is these movies often operate on a shoe-string budget, select their casts for who is willing to take the role and generally have a fairly limited scope when writing movies for companies such as Hallmark. Christmas television movies must be the most difficult to write for - with every possible idea being rehashed and reused ad nauseam to promote the festive season.With that said this movie was not able to hit the level of mediocrity of a D level television movie. It was uninspired, unoriginal and felt like yet another pay-check for an average director. This movie was obviously not made for me - I didn't get smothered by Chief at the end of 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', but I don't know why someone would put any effort into making the movie. I can take a bad movie when it's done with a bit of passion and enthusiasm, but this movie felt like running through the motions.
boblipton A fine professional cast, including the sadly underused -- by the industry, anyway -- Jennifer Beals enliven a very pleasant little Christmas movie. R.D. Reid makes an amusing, if rather Irish sounding Santa Claus who has taken a tumble off a roof and lost his memory -- and what, pray tell, will happen to Christmas without Santa? Cue Jordan Prentice as a rather overwhelmed head elf who struggles to get Santa back in shape using Miss Beals' dysfunctional family.That's the set up and the movie rings the changes on it in a workmanlike fashion. I have some minor issues with the pace of the direction, but the cast goes through its paces with such obvious goodwill that I can't bring myself to cavil. A merry night before Christmas eve to you all who watched this.