Space Buddies
Space Buddies
G | 03 February 2009 (USA)
Space Buddies Trailers

B-Dawg, Mudbud, Budderball, and all the rest of the Buddies are back, but this time, they're setting their sights even higher -- as in, the moon! With the help of their new pals Spudnick (voiced by Jason Earles) and Gravity, these pooches are go for launch. But to pull off their moon landing and make it home safely, our canine heroes will have to summon all their bravery and imagination...

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Eric Stevenson Well, it looks like there's a fair number of people who are defending this film and I am certainly not one of them. I don't like the argument that you should lower your standards just because it's something made for kids. While not a good movie, "The Adventures Of Elmo In Grouchland" did a far superior job of having more interesting characters, backgrounds and everything else. In fact, I might have just given this a 3 out of 10 if not for this one major factor: fart jokes. Yeah, I tried to avoid the first one but in one of the latter parts of the movie, they actually have the dogs fart because they need his methane gas.I don't even think that was a joke. It was meant to be something serious. There's this one character who suddenly becomes a villain out of absolutely nowhere. The visuals are simply terrible. Whenever the pups are on the Moon, you can easily tell they're just ugly CGI models. The worst thing about the movie is probably the lip movement. We get these creepy lines coming from their mouths. Look at the "Babe" movies and see how they did it much better. I guess it didn't help I hadn't seen most of the other movies. This was a sequel or I guess a spin off of Air Bud. Disney stopped making direct to video animated sequels at this point but they still had some awful live-action ones left.Why even put talking animals into the mix? The original "Air Bud" was mediocre at best and didn't need these constant followups. The characters in this are just not smart. There's a scene where a kid can literally just use this machine to put on a spacesuit. Why would anyone have a machine turned on during a tour that just immediately gives you one of those? Shouldn't they maintain their equipment better? It gets rather dumb when we see five dogs do it. Learn the first time. This movie features a cosmonaut who looks like one of the Geico caveman and boy, is he obnoxious. I think even people who liked the other ones didn't care for this. Even for this length, it went on too long. This is why I'm a "Gravity Falls" fan. *
somasoul You gotta rate these things from the perspective of what you expect. This is Direct-To-Video so it competes with stuff like "The Wild" or "The Reef." Kids direct-to-video is a wasteland of unwanted, unwatchable horrors. So imagine my surprise at these "buddies" movies. I mean, they aren't bad. The plots are coherent, they have some legit jokes kids and adults will find funny, and the cinematography and effects aren't awful.Look, it's all fluff. It ain't Rob Roy or Mystic River. The kid actors are pretty bad. But the direction and casting are pretty good. A lot of these kiddie features become a mess plot-wise but the buddies movies stay on course. Adults won't cringe watching this stuff, it's totally palatable in a stupid sort of way.Great for kids up 10, after that I suspect they'll lose interest.
father1252 It sickens me that "supposedly" grown adults have to whine and complain about a KIDS movie. You attempt to apply adult logic to a movie that was intended to be what you hated most about it. If you don't like it, don't watch it. As for my children and I, we loved it and recommend it to anyone (child or adult) who wants a fun, family movie. Most of the movies made today are junk and my wife and I filter what our children watch. It's refreshing to see a movie that is made for children and includes concepts that they can understand. I'm sorry that you have to make yourself feel better by attacking a movie that wasn't "science based" or "had horrible acting" and was intended to be such. Next time you have an opinion, make sure you put it where it belongs, in the trash.
Chris Again, I am puzzled by those on this site who review children's movies as if they should be "Citizen Kane." I just got done watching Space Buddies with my 6 year old son, and we both fully enjoyed it. The plot, while inconceivable, was engrossing for my son, and cute for me. There were enough funny lines and situations to keep both of our interests throughout the film. We have never seen one of the Air Bud movies, but will check them out now.My son's favorite line, being a HUGE "Star Wars" fan, was when the spacecraft was approaching the moon, one of the dogs said, "Ah, it's the Death Star!" My favorite part of the film was Deidrich Bader, who I find funny in anything he's in. Get that guy a TV show, already! Plus, my son enjoyed that Bill Fabberbake was the voice of Patrick on SpongeBob.If you are a parent looking for a movie, rent this, and enjoy like I did. You shouldn't be disappointed.