Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch
Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch
G | 18 June 2002 (USA)
Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch Trailers

Josh is off to his first year of college and Buddy has stayed behind with Josh’s little sister Andrea and the rest of the family. Andrea, attempting to fit in with her Jr. High classmates, decides to join the baseball team and along the way discovers that Buddy is a talented baseball player.

Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
joshfedderson In this fourth installment, Buddy goes for the baseball. And this time around Josh's little sister Andrea is Buddy's sports companion and friend. Don't get me wrong I loved Josh is the first three movies, but it is nice to have a change of main character and this time around it is a girl. Josh Framm has left his home for college, his little sister Andrea and his best friend Golden Retriever Buddy are not taking it to well, Josh makes Buddy promise to take care of Andrea and to watch over her. Which Buddy does just like a good friend should do. Andrea also starts Junior High and her first day turns out to be a disaster, eventually, she and one of her friends tries out for the school baseball team, her friend makes it, but Andrea is put on the team because her friend wants her on the team. Meanwhile a evil scientist and his assistant and a Robber Raccoon plan to steal Buddy's now grown up puppies for an evil experiment. Yes, it sounds cheesy. But it is very enjoyable and you have to use your imagination. The story had good morals such as friendship, never giving up and trying your best. The reason I give this fourth installment a 9 is because the sports announcer the one who was just a little goofy and overenthusiastic, went overboard, he was just a little to weird for my view and the dance he does at the end when the team wins, was laughable and hilarious, but a little bit creepy. I don't know if that was part of the script or something the actor put in. But other then the way to overenthusiastic announcer, the movie was great and I loved it my wife did too. 9/10 for Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch
allyball-63124 To all of you Air Buddies haters, this is where the series got weird not Space Buddies. It still has the heartwarming feel of Air Bud and Golden Receiver but it's also really weird. I mean, Josh going to college is fine but Air Bud playing Baseball? I get Basketball, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball but you have to hold a bat to play baseball. However, that's not the weird part. The weird part is that Air Bud's grown pups have been kidnapped by a raccoon and some gangsters. I mean, what the heck?! As for my enjoyment, I liked it better than World Pup but it's not as good as Air Bud or Golden Receiver. I'd say it's on par with Air Buddies. (which I did like)
Molly Kesler Why the heck do people care so much if Buddy was only taught basketball? I mean seriously it doesn't matter! Maybe that's why you people think that the fourth movie was bad. I just watched it again and I still love it. Besides if you pay attention, the scientist guy says he wants to steal the super sports gene of Buddy's and his puppy's' and maybe that's how he learned the other sports. Use your imagination, jeez. After I saw the second and third and fourth movies for the first time, I had completely forgotten that the dude only taught Buddy basketball. Just enjoy the movie, don't pay attention to stuff like that because if you do it ruins the movie and you don't like it. If you just watch the movie but don't think about the others, it's enjoyable. In fact, my family enjoyed the first movie so much that we had gotten our first golden retriever, and a golden retriever puppy. Now, that retriever puppy is 4 years old and we have another puppy who just so happens to be a lab. All of this happened because of the Air Bud movies so that just goes to show how good this movie really is. Another reason as to why people didn't like the movie is probably because that's not their favorite genre of movies. People should stick to their favorite genre and comment on those movies not movies that they hate!!!
scofieldmath Air Bud 4 is the latest in the series about the sports-playing dog, Buddy. This time around, though, it's a little bit different. Instead of teaming up with his regular pal, Josh Framm (played by Kevin Zegers), Buddy teams up with Josh's younger sister, Andrea (played by Caitlin Wachs).Of all the Air Bud movies, I enjoyed this movie's plot the most. It focuses on Andrea and her many "problems": starting junior high school, her brother going away to college, her parents ignoring her in favor of the new baby, and her (at first) pathetic attempts at playing baseball. Unfortunately, Buddy is not as involved in the sports scenes as he was in the first three movies. He really doesn't even play until the near-end of the movie. This makes the pace of the movie a little slow at times. (It's also hard to accept that a dog can be a great baseball hitter.) Of course, being Disney, the movie is predictable and gives off warm fuzzies (which is not a bad thing). The subplot of the scientists is never really explored, which is a good thing; it would have ruined the movie. This is not a movie to rush out and rent/buy (unless you have a wife who loves Golden Retrievers, like mine), but it's a good film to watch when you have some time to spare. I recommend it for anyone who likes this series.