Inspector Gadget 2
Inspector Gadget 2
G | 11 March 2003 (USA)
Inspector Gadget 2 Trailers

After capturing Claw, all the criminals have gone into hiding. Until Claw escapes! Gadget thinks he will get the case, but everyone else has other plans. A new version of the Gadget project is unveiled in the form of G2. Strict orders are given for Gadget to stay away from G2 and every crime scene, but Gadget feels he is needed more than anyone.

Micitype Pretty Good
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Steineded How sad is this?
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
adonis98-743-186503 Inspector Gadget returns in this sequel to the 1999 hit, "Inspector Gadget." Gadget once again has to fight his arch nemesis, Claw. Inspector Gadget 2 is way better than the first but it's also very true to the source material since Gadget acts like he should which is silly, Dr. Claw never shows his face as he should and French Stewart is way better than Broderick. The romance between She Gadget and Gadget was also pretty cute and i loved most of the special effects and how silly it was as a whole. Definitely a big improvement than the first one from 1999. (A+)
Shopaholic35 The second installment of the Inspector Gadget film series is fairly comparable to the first movie. Although this movie is stupider the fact that they picked a better gadget this time round was an improvement. Unfortunately the problem is the movie is just so terrible so the "better" gadget does not save it.To be honest this movie is a watch once and slightly enjoy it but then you never need to watch it again. I do think Elaine Hendrix does a god job at portraying G2 though. She gives the movie a sense of sanity that stops the movie from being a complete joke. Don't bother if you have a short attention span.
johnny-w WOW, and I thought the original cartoon was good! Folks, if you haven't checked this movie out, it's about time you do. In this laugh-out-loud follow-up to the 1999 movie starring Matthew Broderick (Deck the Halls, Family Business), you get to witness the true example of an outstanding sequel.French Stewart (The New WKRP in Cincinnati, Home Alone 4) stars as Inspector Gadget, and I must say that he pulled off the role much better than Broderick. His performance was downright wacky and entertaining - he captured the essence of the true Inspector Gadget character so well.It's sad that you don't see much of French Stewart in the movies these days. His on-screen presence could surely liven up some of the more lackluster movies Hollywood has been churning out lately, such as Avatar. Still, I'll take what I can get, and I'm just crossing my fingers that Inspector Gadget 3 comes to fruition and he gets the starring role once more! If you're as serious about film as I am, do yourself a favor and rent Inspector Gadget 2 - you will not be disappointed. Go-go-gadget-VIDEO STORE!
Bob Greenwade (bobgreenwade) I just saw this movie on DVD. Having previously seen the original, and been a fan of the original cartoon series, I was itching to see what was done.Only one cast member from the first movie returned for this one: D. L. Hughly as the voice for the Gadgetmobile. French Stewart takes the title role from Matthew Broderick, and while Matthew's performance was one of the few weak performances of his career French nails the character dead-on. Tony Martin similarly nails The Claw over Rupert Everett's less-than-menacing performance. As for Caitlin Wachs versus Michelle Trachtenberg as Penny, I think the two are closely matched.And in nearly every way, Elaine Hendrix is unbeatable in the role of G2.Director Alex Zamm sought to bring the sequel closer in feel to the original series, and he achieves this with aplomb. The Inspector's enthusiastic idiocy, with Penny tagging along to bail him out, is the theme in what turns into a smörgåsbord of slapstick, visual puns, and other goodness.Personally, I would have preferred to keep the "real name" of John Brown used in the first film (for scenes where using the name would have been logical, including the deleted "Penny at school" scene), but that's the only substantial change I would have suggested.Not that the film is without weaknesses. Some "bits," such as the unfortunate toilet-cleaning scene, could have been substantially shortened, and a couple of the deleted scenes (seen on the DVD) would have helped the movie flow a little better. But on the whole it's a fun romp fit for the whole family.