PG-13 | 13 March 2005 (USA)
Reeker Trailers

Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.

TinsHeadline Touches You
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
By-TorX-1 As horror films go, Reeker has a really effective opening scene and an interesting wraith/creature, but then it proceeds to throw it all into the garbage to rot. When the merry band of twenty-somethings become marooned at the motel, the film loses its way, big style. For instance, the pacing of the film is really problematic, with characters often just wandering around aimlessly and then splitting up (naturally), or alternatively, deciding to stare down into toilets for no apparent reason (and one must not omit a thrillingly suspenseful bed-jumping sequence). Furthermore, the dialogue is often downright bizarre, too. For example, when a presumed dead character makes a sudden reappearance with one of his arms cut off and then proceeds to collapse into an insensible heap, another character asks, "Are you okay?" I'd say that the answer is an obvious no to that question. And then there is the ending. Is it effective? Is it scary? Does it satisfactorily explain the nature of the mysterious Reeker? Well, let's just say that I wish I'd spent the hour and a half running time of the film cleaning the bathroom instead of waiting for such a truly illogical and lame payoff. A reeker? It certainly is.
GL84 Heading out to a rave in the desert, a group pf friends get stranded at a roadside diner and stalked one-by-one by a foul-smelling, invisible killer haunting the area and must try to find a way of getting out alive.On the whole this one wasn't that bad and had some really enjoyable parts here. One of the film's best features here is the absolutely grand set-up here before getting to the actual stalking as this one does come up with some rather enjoyable tactics. The manner in which the group gets stranded at the location is a lot of fun, as is their antics of being there as the various searching around lead to the discovery of the dead animals stored there, the continuous flashes of the ghosts roaming around the different areas nd the sawed-off body still alive that drags itself away here are quite adept at giving this a really great atmosphere of suspense and dread which manages to get work over really nicely here with the actual stalking scenes. This has some enjoyable and somewhat entertaining scenes here with the rather chilling attack on the girl in the outhouse getting sucked through the whole and disappearing, the encounter in the bedroom where he learns something foul is under the bed and must find a way out being out-of-reach of any form of help offered, and the rather tense encounters with the unfortunate one who is in several confrontations with the creature only to come away bloodied and dismembered each time out before the final assault by the gas- pumps which has some really nice suspense of it stalking after them in the motel. There's also the really exciting and enjoyable finale here where they encounter the being on the RV where they're forced to fight it off as it continually appears out of nowhere and really brings out some suspense where it keeps up the different shock appearances and the rather fun chase along the road where he creatures' antics cause the really grand action-packed crash that makes for a grand final half here. The other really big plus for this one is the really nice twist ending here, which is really enjoyable and quite surprising in that it's never really all that apparent an purposefully obvious here which is absolutely well- explained here in the resolution sequence that's really impressive and enjoyable here as there's plenty to like overall here about this. As well as the fun gore and the rather creepy attitude of the killer, there's plenty to like here over the film's few flaws. One of the main features here is the really off-beat pace that doesn't offer a whole lot of big action for this one. Though the first half nicely sets of the atmosphere of the situation, there's very little actual action contained within here as the film goes through the machinations of getting them trapped at the motel rather than doling out the kills, and it takes awhile to get through once they are there anyway which also tends to really rush through the attacks here because it starts so late. The only other problem here is the decided lack of explanations about the creature as there's nothing here about it. This one doesn't offer up a name, an origin or anything about the titular slayer as all of this is inferred here through it's action so getting to know anything here is a problem. Otherwise, there' some really good parts to this one.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, a clothed sex scene, drug use, children-in-jeopardy and aftermath violence on animals.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Reeker" from 2005 is not a particularly memorable or outstanding horror movie, despite it actually having originality to it. And the reason for this was that it was just too mundane. In fact, it was only the surprise twist to the storyline towards the end of the movie which was unique, but it really was a twist which wasn't predictable. And as such, then director Dave Payne managed to deliver a horror movie which was watchable, albeit mediocre.I am not going to spoil anything regarding the twist of events, but I will say that it was a nice change of events to the storyline. Just a shame that it couldn't manage to lift up the rest of the movie.The story is about a group of people heading out into the desert to participate in a big party. However, they find themselves stranded at a mysteriously deserted diner, and an even stranger being is stalking them, preying on them one by one.The storyline itself was adequate, but it just didn't stand out in the horror genre. As such, it was a mediocre end result. There were some originality to certain aspects of the story and the mysterious 'reeker' which was hunting the people.The acting in "Reeker" was quite alright, and people were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters. It was a nice treat to see Michael Ironside in the movie, despite not having that big of a role. Devon Gummersall (playing Jack) was really carrying the movie quite well.Now, as for the creature design on the reeker creature, well I was impressed. The effects, prosthetics and make-up was quite good. And they managed to put together a rather unique design which helped lift up the movie experience a bit.The special effects in the movie were also good, and that is a good thing for a horror movie. So thumbs up on this achievement.All in all then "Reeker" is an entertaining enough movie for what it was, just don't expect to be blown away, as it is a generic and mediocre horror movie. But still worth a watch if you haven't already seen it.
anshe_2109 If you haven't watched that film, then this wouldn't be a spoiler. if you have, then VOILA! The only difference is Dead End presented it in a creepier and more "devilish/occultic" manner and used a sleek looking harbinger. On the other hand reeker used a sci-fi/alien-looking antagonist. But unlike Dead End, Reeker will make you confused because of the too many elements presented in the film. It will make you think of who might be the real "killer" is, but everything will make sense in the end. Oh well, no more "compare and contrast" here, both movies presented the same idea in a different format so I guess it makes both enjoyable :)