The Eyes
The Eyes
| 07 April 2017 (USA)
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6 strangers are kidnapped and through governmental technology have proof they have all killed before and are told 5 will die this night, one may walk, and the six have 2 hours to decide who gets to live.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Micransix Crappy film
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
mistela67 I originally hated his movie. Seriously. I thought this was going to be yet another Saw rip-off. And the acting, dialogue, and direction was so horrible, I barely got through the first 30 minutes. HOWEVER, there is a twist to the ending that shocked the hell out of me. It was so good that it made my original contention make perfect sense, and for that, I am impressed. Didn't see that coming. I'm trying not to give too much away here, but I'll say this, stick this out to the end. Trust me, it will all make sense.Even the "government program" thing solves my only contention (illegal detention).Great movie with a nice twist ending here. Recommended.6/10
dsa-827-486965 I seen bad TV-movies, really cheap, with budget around maybe 1 000 or 2 000. But this! This something, internet companies like amazon, netflix, hbo - invest good money in series, but original films - one lousy another. This film maybe cost around 200 bucks, and half of that go on food. And maybe actors play for this food. Who knows? But script not so bad, just... call this theatrical play or something, don't sell it like it is a film, because its don't. And Vincent Pastore! Oh my god! What an actor... really, he was ridiculously bad.
KatoC About six minutes before the end Nicholas Turturo's character says something like "I have hired these fine actors here..." That is the overstatement of the day, in my opinion. Now, I don't think the actors are dilettantes per se. They do seem very unmotivated in the sense that they all just act each one his or her own part. Isolated, no chemistry between them. The film plays in one room only, the filming however may well have happened at each actors home, and afterwards cut together. I'm not sure about the plot, is has been done before, nothing even close to "Saw", but anyway. If you plan on going to acting school, maybe you should watch it, if only to ask the right questions in class about how to avoid bad acting. Or maybe, for the same reason (acting school attendance) you might want to skip on this film.
NINA The Eyes is a very good suspense thriller film shot at one location only (almost)yet enticed its viewers by emotionally captivating them with the backstories of the characters and of course, with its deceitful plot. Aside from the good plot, it also has a good music and cinematography. If you have a penchant for mind-blowing movies, this movie is definitely for you. Go check it out at Redbox.