Mars Needs Moms
Mars Needs Moms
PG | 11 March 2011 (USA)
Mars Needs Moms Trailers

When Martians suddenly abduct his mom, mischievous Milo rushes to the rescue and discovers why all moms are so special.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
steeledanton weird. I don't know why i was expecting Seth Green to be evidently apart of this film...for some irresistible reason that led me to contemplate this film as well as ponder it for a few years now. Luckily for my Boost mobile Service I had the great opportunity to follaw through and watch it. Much likea Carl Hiasson book i had been reading HOOT, i got it, started it, took breaks from it and had suspiscions on how it would end. I'm not overly excited nor too disappointed thats for sure. Mainly the situation we have here is that a boy has his mom kidnapped, and he wanders onto a ship in which he saw that she was put on. It turns out that while being a stow away he runs into another Human. The important part about this other Human is that the same exact thing happened to him right around the same age as the littler boy. So it appears that the older kid had been on this ship for about a good decade longer and stuck apparently. So now the two boys are avoiding getting captured by the aliens as well as simultaneously trying release the mom that had been captured !
Adam Foidart "Mars Needs Moms" looks good (the motion capture technology is a little jarring at first, but each effort from Robert Zemeckis looks better than the last) but most of the time it's surprisingly empty. This film, directed by Simon Wells is about a kid named Milo (played by motion capture, and looking very much like Seth Green, but voiced by Seth Dusky) who witnesses his mom get kidnapped by Martians, just after her made a nasty comment to her and hurt her feelings. He follows her by clandestinely jumping on one of their ships and sets off to rescue his mom. On Mars, he meets a helpful alien named Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), and a kid who also had his mom captured by aliens, but is now all grown up, named Gribble (Dan Fogler).For some reason, I'm feeling generous and I'm giving this movie a 2,5/5. Not really because I can think of a lot of things the movie did well, but mostly because I heard so much plain awful things about it that my expectations were just impossibly low. Even then I could recognize that the plot feels padded, with several scenes being included seemingly only to show off the technology as the characters fall downpipes and chutes (which would have looked great in 3D, but otherwise just feels excessive). I also felt that choices made to make the plot more lively, like having the Martian Ki talk in 1970's lingo just doesn't work. Like at all. It has a few moments with heart, as we can all relate to feeling guilty about being nasty to our mom at a certain point, but the movie doesn't go far enough with any of its characters or ideas. This needed to have more bite to make it stand out, or more laughs, or more excitement. It needed more something because there's not much here. It isn't total trash and it's pretty harmless but it's really just a forgettable family film. (2-D version on Blu-ray, September 11, 2012)
Amanda Pledge I thought this was a brilliant entertaining family feature film. I thought this film was great. The animation is perfect.. Faces are perfect, but What I kept thinking, and what kept bugging me was about the character GRIBBLE... His looks and features are identical to the Late JOHN CANDY!! which I was kind of hoping he was portrayed on. In some parts of the film he looks just like him! An animated version of him! I rate this 10/10 It managed to keep my five year old fully entertained the whole way through. all in all, me and My kids loved it. The faces of the aliens were very amusing, especially the elder leader, we all laughed at her. I look forward to seeing more like this in the future. Thumbs Up!
Kaspar Raave Wow, this is my first review. Not much of a review but... It came as a big surprise for me to see such a low rating for this movie. For me it was so profound and nicely done I've seen for a long time, at least in animation genre. I'm not gonna spoil it and just say that if you like adventure type movies you should watch it, its a pearl. And it teaches many aspects of life like how important is the love of your mother and how important is to value your family and this makes it a real good family movie, teaching children importance of this and that.Pretty often I come here to IMDb and read the reviews to decide whether to go and watch the movie or not, but this one? I think you should make an exception and not judge it by these ratings and reviews, just watch it, with your whole family, its fun, its a good laugh, very adventurous and even makes you cry :) Loved it!