G | 07 July 1976 (USA)
Gus Trailers

The California Atoms are in last place with no hope of moving up. But by switching the mule from team mascot to team member, (He can kick 100 yard field goals!) they start winning, and move up in the rankings, Hurrah! The competition isn't so happy.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
historian64 This is indicative of most 70's Disney fare: it looks more like it was written by a ten year old, rather than for one. It brings up the debate as to who was the bigger jackass: the mule or the executive who gave the green light to this turkey.Don knots as a football coach is funny enough to carry a sketch, but not of movie. Tom Bosley as a mobster? Bob Crane's character was an all too obvious parody of Howard Cosell,(for those of you too young to remember a longtime ABC sportscaster who spoke in a long-winded monotone and was part of the Monday Night Football broadcast team from 1970 through 1983) Funny given pro football's popularity that nobody's really put out a good film about pro football. (yes that includes Any Given Sunday)
Seth Nelson Disney, as well as the movie business, was on a mission; a boy with a idea. (LOL) An idea so grand, so original, this began a new family sub-genre: that of the sport-playing animal movie. And it happened one time in 1976, with the live action film "Gus," about a donkey mascot who played football!!!!!I've never seen this movie, though I have seen a part of it on one of the "Air Bud" movies, and I have heard about how great this film was, which convinced me to come here and talk about this film! After Gus, we would see similar movies: "Air Bud," who not only excelled at basketball, but football, soccer, baseball, volleyball, and I think there's going to be "Air Buddies" coming soon, and "M.V.P.," which had a chimp who was pro at hockey and extreme skateboarding. Most of these are Canadian, who might have liked this movie so much that a sports-playing dog and chimp have come into business!!!!!"Gus" is a great film that brought the animal movies to the max!!!!!10/10
cowboyfan1980 I saw this movie at theater when I was 6. I made my dad take me at least 3 times because I could not get enough of it. The Supermarket scene is definitely the best scene in the whole film. I always got scared when Tom Bosley fell into the tank of lobsters because it looks so painful when he limps off down the isle with the lobsters hanging off his pants. Overall, this is a fun movie with lots of slapstick. To this day, I still remember the word that was used to get Gus to kick the ball: "Oyage!!" The live-action Disney film is a lost treasure and they just don't make them anymore like they did back in the 60's and 70's.
Ben-163 Once I was watching TV late at night and this stupid-looking movie came on. It was Gus. I can't believe movies like this could be actually pitched to an executive, but I guess Disney can never be underestimated. As I began to watch it, I became enthralled: a mule kicks field goals from any distance and never misses. Alas, the mule gets kidnapped before the BIG GAME and he must be retrieved. Boy was I surprised when he was airlifted back onto the field after an unpleasant yet unbelievable scene involving a supermarket. Don Knotts plays a terrible coach too, but Gus steals the show here. If you want to watch a movie that never should have been made, check out Gus.