Surfer, Dude
Surfer, Dude
R | 05 September 2008 (USA)
Surfer, Dude Trailers

A wave twisting tale of a soul searching surfer experiencing an existential crisis.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
leo-surfer Why am i saying that? well, even when i'm not a McConaughey fan i saw the title and decided to rent it as i feel attracted to almost anything "Surf", so, as the movie began to roll i really was feeling not to continue as i really expected something more like "Jeff Spicoli"(Fast times at Ridgemont high), yeah stereotypical stoner-surfer-dude you know, funny, and this movie try's too hard to create funny scenes but i really didn't found them, contrary id found it slow, with not too many memorable moments,but you know how it is this id stay waiting for the best but didn't arrive, the part that went really really bad was when they mix the super technology stuff, this is the most anti-surfer stuff, high end simulation is the contrary of all Surf basics, the acting was so terrible in that part that i recognize i had to leave the couch and visit the kitchen, when i went back i really felt anxious to just forward scenes until i maybe could find some fun, but, again, i try to be patient, but end up the same, in conclusion, a strange movie with the wrong title, who watches this movie expecting surfing on it,is wasting time, the movie barely touch the topic, seems like the second topic on it,with very few laughs on it,.. so if you don't really have a good movie at hand (real or classic surfing movies) and want to see something that vaguely relates it give it a try,
froske1 This movie is awesome in that you absolutely fail to get its point. Arguably, it was meant to have none, but then, why would anyone want to watch it? It's definitely not about surfing, there's hardly any surfing in it. There is a lot of weed smoking instead, but that is somehow out of focus: it's not about weed smoking either. It's not about life, it's not about just chilling, it's not about sports becoming something perverted by advertising, it's not about media manipulation, it's not about goats or ecological agriculture, it has no point. You can only wonder at the waste of resources involved in producing it. That money could have gone anywhere from helping starving kids in Africa to improving ice rinks in Spain, and for the better!There's not a scene in it that would qualify as comedy. It doesn't really belong to that category. Instead, one could create a "surfer, dude" film genre and dump this one in it. Forget the so-called plot, this movie's best summary is "Matthew McConaughey half-naked sells". Mind boggles: did they actually have to make a movie to prove it?
peterlane5 Should have been called "What Matthew McConaughey Does in His Free Time" The movie has no plot to speak of. It seems that every other word is "Dude", "Bra", or "man". McConaughey's character pretty much spends the entire movie smoking pot, asking;"where did all the waves go dude, and getting betrayed by "the evil TV producer. While I do think that whole lifestyle is cool, you knowing being free and just living, the movie never caught my interest. Don't get me wrong it had a few funny parts and Woody Harrelson(he pretty much plays the same character in 2012, which I also don't care to much for), Willie Nelson, and Scott Glenn are all good in this, but McConaughey just started getting on my nerves.
Favio1 In the motion picture Surfer, Dude, Matthew McConaughey plays a surfer named Steve Addington that is in a position where he is almost being forced to participate in a reality television show and a virtual reality video game about surfing. Although all Steve Addington wants to do is spend his time surfing.I'll admit that the storyline was not so good, but the characters were. Jeffrey Nordling as Eddie Zarno and Ramon Rodriguez as Lupe La Rosa play two surfers trying to exploit Steve Addington. Eddie Zarno owns Steve Addington's money and contract. And Lupe La Rosa is Steve Addington's annoying enemy. These two characters are the kind that you love to hate. Willie Nelson was a plus for the movie as well as all the topless women.If all else fails Matthew McConaughey's surfer laugh will make you laugh every time you hear it.