Air Bud
Air Bud
PG | 01 August 1997 (USA)
Air Bud Trailers

A lonely boy befriends a stray dog who has a natural talent for basketball and together they experience the highs and lows of life as their friendship remains solid through a series of escapades.

ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
bts1984 The first of the 'Air Bud' series is as much wonderful as it is horribly underrated, truly a 90's classic. It has a dignified place in the list of the greatest animal movies as well. In many ways it is a depressing movie but it's also heart-warming, touching, feel-good and tons of fun. There's more to it to like, though. Cinematography is really beautiful and pure. The soundtrack is just perfect for this film. The boy and his devoted four-legged friend make a marvelous team and have a perfect chemistry.Even though the film's title obviously refers to the dog, his name is actually Buddy - that is, once he ends up in the hands of Josh Framm. Even as the movie starts, the little we see is enough to realize how horribly the clown treats his dog (constantly yelling at him, threatening him and hitting him hard with the newspaper). It is heartbreaking to see that. Fortunately, this horrible man accidentally loses him and he finds Josh Framm (a, I assume, 12-year-old who is loving and caring but very shy and silent and currently under depressive mood). They quickly become best friends, as Josh gives him the treatment he deserves. Buddy is a very special dog alone, but he has a special secret that makes him even more special: he can play basketball (even more amazing, better than humans can!).Even though the clown is a horrible person, he doesn't have that much of a role. He is not someone I sympathize with and he certainly isn't funny, although it is hilarious when his truck falls apart and he can't stop it and accidentally drives it into a river.Larry Willingham's father is a jerk. Even though Larry unfairly picks on Josh, at least he isn't too bratty and is funny at times. But Larry's father, that guy is such a jerk, although not overly annoying. Coach Joe isn't especially sympathetic because he is very impatient and temperamental, but he goes too far when he throws basketballs at Josh's peculiar friend Tom with aggressiveness.The movie is focused more on Josh and Buddy, who are the most likable characters of the movie. Kevin Zegers is flawless as Josh Framm. Buddy the Dog is amazing as Buddy (may this wonderful dog rest in peace, wherever he is now). Brendan Fletcher does a good job as Larry. So does Shayn Solberg as Josh's good friend Tom. The late Eric Christmas is hilarious as Judge Cranfield.Title in Portugal: 'Air Bud'.
rannynm Looking for a great sports movie with touching scenes and some unique players? Well then this is a movie for you. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Julianna No one (age 12) shares her review below: Video review available here: movie stars Kevin Zeggers as Josh Framm, Wendy Makkena as Jackie Framm, and Michael Jeter as Norm Snively the clown. This film is about a boy who is new to town. One day while playing basketball Josh finds Bud, a abandoned dog. Bud gives Josh faith in himself which leads him to try out for the basketball team. Josh learns that Bud can play basketball too. Josh and Bud just have to be aware of Bud's old abusive owner, Norm Snively the clown. My favorite character is Bud. I like Bud because of his unbiased love of Josh and because Josh and his family took Bud in when his old abusive owner was about to take him to the pound. However, I like him mostly because he is talented and it is pretty cool that he can play basketball. My favorite scenes are when Bud decides to bite his old owner Norm the clown and runs back to his new family, Josh and the rest of the Framms. My other favorite scene is when Bud actually plays for Josh's team because one player is injured and another fouls out of the game. What I like about this movie is how well the stunt coordinator trained Bud, so in the movie he has such great aptitude or talent. The cinematography is well done and how it is anthropomorphic in how Bud is able to play basketball, like he is just another kid on the team. I think that people who love animals, sports and comedy mixed with a little heart warming scenes will absolutely love this incredible film. I know this because I really love this film and I hope you will as well. Also even if you don't really like sports or animal movies you will still enjoy this film as it has a great story to follow. This movie is great for the whole family. There is a strong moral to the story as well as many emotionally gripping scenes for everyone to enjoy. I rate this film 5 out of 5 stars because it is a great movie that everyone can sit down and enjoy.
sol (Some Spoilers) After being abandoned on the highway by his master the drunken clown Norm Snively played by Michael Jeter, no relations to Yankee star infielder Derek, Buddy the dog is befriended by young Josh Framm, Kevin Zegers, who found Buddy lost and hungry wandering around in the woods. Josh is having trouble adjusting to his new life in Fernfield Washington and Buddy is just what he needs, a friend, to spend his time with. As it soon turns out Buddy has this talent in shooting basketballs through hoops by bouncing them off his snout that can put Michael Jordon and Jerry West to shame! The film has Josh together with his dog Buddy become the sensation of Fernfield High School who do a half-time show that's draws more people them the basketball game itself. It's the teams new coach school janitor and boiler room attendant,it gets real cold up there in Washington State during the winter, former professional basketball player for the New York Knicks Arthur Chaney, Bill Cobbs,who sees potential in Buddy's,the team's mascot, ability to play on the team and waits just for the right moment to put him into the game. That comes at the critical game for the state championship honors between Coach Chaney's Timberwolves and last years champions Warriors! It's during this time that Buddy's former owner Snively, while recovering from the DT's, sees Buddy on the local TV news shooting baskets and a light bulb lights up in his head. Seeing dollar signs and six packs of beer in his future Snively decides to get Buddy back legally despite having abandoned him months ago. Something that both Buddy and his new found friend Josh will do everything in their power to prevent.Corny at times but heart warming film with the sharp shooting Buddy, who sadly passed away six months after the films release, making every basket count as well as stealing ever scene in the movie. Not only was Buddy able to score points but as Coach Chaney predicted motivate the players, especially Josh, to improve their game as well. While Snively tried to get Buddy back and make money with him by doing beer and dog food commercials the dog with Josh's help escaped and ended up in court in a dog custody case with Josh and Snively as the complainants.***SPOILERS***Even though the presiding judge in the case Judge Cornfield, played by Eric Christmas,is a big Knick, as well as former Knick player Arthur Chaney, fan and was very sympathetic for Josh in seeing what a crazy nut, coming to court dressed up as Bozo the clown, Sinvely was it was in fact Buddy who made the decision to whom he want's to stay with. And as it turned out that decision was final!
Colony This is a good movie, really. The late dog was charming, and very talented. Zegers is a good actor.It's been a while since I've seen this film, but I can tell you that it had a good, if seeming a little cliched, story. Zegers is Josh Framm, he's been upset since his test-pilot father was killed in an accident. After moving to Washington, he doesn't fit in and becomes even more upset, but things turn around when he finds a stray dog that has run away from its previous owner.When he discovers that this dog can shoot baskets, he's cheered up, and decides to join the basketball team, bringing the dog Buddy along as a mascot.This movie is a little too melodramatic for a kids' movie in certain places. For example, there's the scene in which the basketball coach, after a game in which the character Tom had trouble catching passes, is alone with Tom in the gym, repeatedly firing balls at Tom that batter him all over his body. When Josh and the principal find them, Tom turns and we see bruises on his face and a black eye. That's a little disturbing.Other than that, this movie is not that bad. All of the sequals suck. Dogs can't play baseball, that's why the ball in the fourth movie is computer animated, completely ruining the spirit of the series.