The Best Man's Wedding
The Best Man's Wedding
| 16 March 2002 (USA)
The Best Man's Wedding Trailers

Roro, a foreign worker in Swedish parks, loves his girlfriend but is about to marry another girl to prevent her from being sent back to Lebanon. Meanwhile, Roro's best friend, Måns, has serious problems getting an erection.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
auxbla A simple, nice comedy. It's a typical story as you'd find in many American 'big-buck' productions, but because this is a Swedish-Lebanese production, it immediatly draw my attention. I always love to see unkown actors in good movies, they seem more 'real' than the settled actors.Very funny movie. Another nice Lebanese production (Lebanese-French actually) is 'West-Beyrouth' check it out, absolutely worth seeing!
mgulev East is East was good, Bend it Like Beckham was predictable, but Jalla Jalla was really good. As in most romantic comedies, the end result will be a happy ending for everyone except the bullies and this movie is no different. But it does allow a closer look into the mindset of the "victims" of arranged marriages. It´s a really good movie. I accept the arguments that there are faults with the movie, but this wasn´t mass-produced in Hollywood, so that´s understandable and a charming factor, really.
Philby-3 The first Swedish-Lebanese movie I've seen; it's rather like a French comedy but with angst. There's a plot of sorts and we have the familiar migrant issue of how much to modify the customs of the old country in the new land, but it's all done in good humour and with a generally light touch. It seems that Swedes are never so sympathetic than faced with a case of impotence and that Lebanese pater familiae are not entirely rigid in their attitudes, even if Lebanese brothers are pretty gung-ho in defending their sister's virtue.This is very much a family film with at least five Fares in the credits. Fares Fares, he of the prominent nose (and older brother of the director Josef Fares) sails through proceedings with aplomb as Roro the gardener who offers to marry Yasmin, a cousin, to stop her family sending her sent back to Lebanon. Torkel Peterrson, as his skinhead workmate Mans with the erection problem, keeps his anger close to the surface without too many explosions though with Tuva Novotny in the cast it would be difficult for any male not clinically dead to resist desire (unfortunately she plays Roro's girlfriend.)Not a profound piece of work but fun to watch and some nice performances.
portarian In all the mindless Hollywood schlock its nice to be able to laugh at a well put together smaller market Swedish film. The characters are funny without being over the top and its nice to see a difference of culture from another perspective other than North America vs. whoever.Go see it and have a good laugh.
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