The Christmas Star
The Christmas Star
| 14 December 1986 (USA)
The Christmas Star Trailers

Horace McNickle (Edward Asner) is a two-time felon serving prison time for counterfeiting. On the week before Christmas, he escapes from prison dressed as Santa Claus due to his uncanny resemblence to St. Nick resulting from his long white beard and heavyset features. McNickle hides out from the police in a nearby suburban neighborhood where he is befriended and helped by two local children who think he is the real Santa Claus. McNickle takes advantage of the kids naive ness to help him get his counterfeit money hidden somewhere in a local department store while he develops kind-hearted feelings for his two con victims that make him slowly understand the true nature of Christmas.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
2karl- ed asner gives a great performance as Horace mcnickle in a Disney family film gifting the full spirit of the festive season mcknickle who escapes prison he was a counterfeiter he looks very like st nick the search is on for him by the police and the one detective who looking for him cant catch a break and want to be home for Xmas but with so many Santa's to find one is tough ordeal for police mcknickel lost something from his last caper but decides to take advantage of two kids who accidentally find him sleeping rough but as he realizes as it dawns on him about his past his past catches up with in the form of 3 ghost of Xmas past so in order to help the kids he pays hi dues gives them something to cheer so rather than keep running he tries to change and promise to be more cheerful this is a great family movie at 1hr30mins its not to bad
Roxanne Tellier What a wonderful little film! I've just seen this on the Family network, and I only wish I'd had the foresight to throw a tape in the VCR, because this film is sadly out of print. I sell rare videos, and if this one ever comes into my paws, I'll be keeping it! Just a wonderful film you'd like your children and grandchildren to see. Ed Asner steps inside and out of his Mary Tyler Moore character,and turns it inside out to create a gruff, loveable Santa. The child actors are suberb, and heartbreakingly beautiful. The bad guy gets 'Scrooged' in the end, in time to brighten everyone's life, and even the dog that get's offed returns in a new and brighter form. This film will make any viewer feel a little better, no matter how jaundiced, and in my cynical case, bring a tear to your eye. Lovely rarity, if you have the chance to see this film, turn off the phone and seep yourself in wonderful acting, a fun story, and a return to the Christmases of Yore!
wvmilkman It's a shame that this movie isn't available on DVD (or VHS, for that matter). Thankfully, I did tape it on VHS (commercials & all) when it last aired. Truly a wonderful film, it made remember some of those "warm & fuzzy" feelings that I used to have about Christmas when I was a child. A Disney © production, maybe someday it will be available for purchase...
og_byrne What I love the most about Christmas its that their his lots of old movie like this one on TV. It just finished an hour now and I wanted to write about it before I think of something else. This is a lovely film and it confirmed what I knew since a long time,That Barret Oliver was the greatest child actor their was during the 80's,He his so natural.Even now compare him to Haley Joel Osmend and you can see that Barret was even better. Anyway, the film his simple but it work,after the credit roll you feel happy and full of hope for mankind. It's a shame that they dont do Christmas movie like this anymore.