Polly: Comin' Home!
Polly: Comin' Home!
| 18 November 1990 (USA)
Polly: Comin' Home! Trailers

Broadway style songs are used to tell this interesting story of an ingenious orphan who gets involved in matchmaking and striving for inter-racial understanding in 1956 Alabama.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
truess_feaman i would love to purchase this movie and money is no object.Please contact me and let me know if i can get it. i would love to purchase this movie to give to my mother. this is one of her all time favorite movie and she has done so much for me and my children and the least i can do is get her these two Polly movies that she has been trying to find at so many different stores. these movies are awesome and i truly wish that it was at stores and still played on TV for the children of today's time can see it. there is so much to learn from these movies. i have been looking everywhere and i have been calling everywhere for these movies. i hate that it is not available. i even sent request in to television channels and still there is no Polly showing on television. my mother birthday is November 4th same as mine and i know she would love it if her birthday gift was Polly 1 & 2.
jazzy23452000 I have not seen this movie since I was in Junior high and I am 21 now. I have looked for this movie everywhere but no one seems to have it or even know what it is.I wish I could buy this movie somewhere or even watch it on tv. I hope more people share my opinion. I always loved to see little Rudy on the Cosby show and her mother Clair. I really enjoy seeing them work together on the movie Polly. I love to sing along with the songs. When my cousin and I was younger we would make dances to some of the songs that they would play and we had a blast. That is when they showed it on the disney channel and my uncle taped it. My uncle does not stay close anymore and I think that he would not know where he put the tape any more, besides it has been over ten years since that has happen. I just wish I could see this movie again. Maybe I could tape it and I can watch it any time I want to.
IESHIA020202 This was an excellent movie! It brought so much life to the meaning of life and I would pay just about any price for a copy! Hopefully there is a copy out there somewhere. The storyline was great and the performances were excellent. I give credit where it is due and you are all over due for credit for this particular film. I am only 18 years, when I first saw this movie I was about 8 or 9 and I thought it was great!
baybisi I have been searching for this move for a long time and i would like to purchase it. my family and i have been looking for this movie and never anyone knew what i was talking about in the stores. i am very sure if this movie was to come out on the market it would be the best seller or hit that ever was. SO many of the people want this movie with others. BUT this one a lone, and i looked for to in the stores. SOME people do not have computers where you can search for it or look it up. it took me 5 years just to get this far and close to it just to hear the music. WELL PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG. I AM JUST LIKE THE other people JUST WANTING TO SEE THIS MOVE AGAIN OR HAVE IT ON VHS. PLEASE CONSIDER HAVING it ON DVD OR VHS PLEASE. I REALLY REALLY REALLY WOULD LIKE TO WATCH IT AGAIN.THANK YOU