Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life
| 20 June 2005 (USA)
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life Trailers

A high school kid develops an addiction to Internet porn so intense that it begins to destroy his life and tear his family apart.

Executscan Expected more
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Dino V. Osmancevic SPOILER ALERTA lot of people say this movie is all Christian propaganda. I don't think it is. It's a movie where the women save the men and where men are displayed as creatures of simplicity (porn, yeah).None the less, I was drunk today and felt like watching it. I watched it before when I was a kid and even back then I kept thinking "why does he not masturbate?" This young man spends so many hours in front of porn that it eventually ruins his life but he never gets it on. He never pleases himself. Is that a subliminal message?Another goof (or, maybe this is some kind of subliminal message too) is that the so-perfect-and-not-shallow-at-all mother of the family wants to take a trip in the beginning of the movie. The husband hesitates, and she leans on him and whispers in his hear "ill make it worth your while". Yeah, okay, hoe?Then afterward, she rants on and on about how women are more than just vaginas and breasts which Jeremy finds attractive in the movie.WHY does he kill himself? Is it REALLY, or has it REALLY, ever been that hard to stop watching porn? I don't get it, what kind of reality does the makers live in? WHY did that slut bang her head bloody when Jeremy rejected her? She was so popular and loved, she didn't need to bleed to convince people that Jeremy hit her.I think this is a movie people should watch at school. At least it showed me back in the day when I was 16 and it was new how to question film makers and scripts.Imm'a give this 2 stars, because of the hot slutty girl.
Jonas Lindberg How can this movie have a 4 star rating???? I just happened to watch this movie on TV while trying to get my son to sleep...I must say it's the worst movie I have seen in ages....Internet Porn Kills!!! Was the Is this movie made by any religious fanatics???? Be afraid... be very afraid....The young boy who finds porn on the internet (or at least some sites with girls in panties and shirts..) And then starts to mess up in school, mess up at home... and mess up his relationship with his dry girlfriend... And he start swimming worse in the swimersteam to!!! When his mom finds out you could swear that she just found out that her son has raped and killed about 100 people... based on the reaction... but its more worse than that!!! he has brought porn to there house!! and its just keep popping up!! i thought i would see some T:s and A:s in this movie... but there was NONE!!! so now i have to go pornsurfing to see it... And after that my life will be ruined and I will have to try to kill at least myself...
duncmoll Friends, I have a confession: LMN movies are SO preposterous and implausible that I can't stop watching them!!! "CyberSeduction" was my 5th straight LMN movie today...and it was the most hilarious.STORY: Otherwise successful high school guy experiments with adult websites and immediately transmogrifies into zombied moron, saving images anywhere and everywhere, skulking around at 2:00am to peek at more sites, guzzling gallons of high-caffeine energy boosters, distancing himself from his squeaky-clean original girlfriend, dragging his poor younger brother down the same horrific road to ruin, "hacking" into the library's computer, lifting his Mom's credit card to get yet MORE "porn", lying a WHOLE lot to everyone, almost rolling with a senior class porn star, getting the everliving crap beaten out of him, and generally tying his Mom's undies in a big knot. Lifetime parents are usually always jackasses, especially dads, who are normally villains or molesters of some sort. Women are always shown as strong and in charge, albeit somewhat technologically challenged. My favorite scenes: watching the lead, Jeremy Sumpter pretend to be a fast swimmer and the porn CD that was conveniently labeled so Mom could crap in her pants when she finds it! This is a classic movie if you want to laugh your "warped #ss" off!
chris_tehirlrox9 Best film ever. fact.I could'nt believe how Seduced. Addicted. Destroyed i was after seeing this film.My Secret Life reminded me a lot of His Secret Life. The only things missing were a cameo from Montel Williams and a duet cover of 'Fairground' with Mick Huckers. 10/10 an absolute classicAnd I love the thought of coming home to you Even if I know we can't make it I love the thought of giving hope to you Just a little ray of light shining throughI WAS SEDUCED CYBERLY AND BEGAN MY SECRET LIFE