R | 26 March 2002 (USA)
Highway Trailers

Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
museumofdave What a curious film this is! I'd love to know the back story, who thought up the idea over what breakfast table, and especially how these two young men with incredible potential were lured into what is basically a weak-scripted road movie. Both Leto and Gyllenhaal do their best with limited material, especially the latter who must have had fun acting (or being) stoned throughout most of the film.The potential for a really fascinating relationship to develop between the two was lost with a tossed-in freak show (Alligator Boy in Oregon?) and topical nonsense about Kurt Cobain, and the villains of the piece who are totally predictable. Selma Blair fits in quite nicely to provide a foil for the sparring of the leads, and the almost 100 minutes sprints along quite nicely. Probably not a film to return to, but an interesting warm-up for Gyllenhaal's Brokeback Mountain and Leto's work with Oliver Stone. I wonder how they got talked into this one! It certainly couldn't been megabucks from the budget!
Panterken Highway has everything a good cult film has: originality, a small group of enthusiasts who worship it and a lot of people who don't understand it and for that reason criticize it. Highway is a film with a message, though it doesn't score a very high morality score. Sex & Drugs are the returning topics throughout the film. The story is set in the early '90s right after the death of Kurt Cobain and is very simple: After Jack ( Leto) sleeps with the wife of a Vegas Thugh, he and his best friend Pilot ( Gyllenhaal)are forced to flee to Seattle, where Kurt Cobain's memorial is held. However it seems Pilot has an ulterior motive for choosing that specific destination. While they're chased by the thug's goons, Jack and Pilot, young white trash drug users and dealers, pay for their trip dealing. Along the way they meet all sorts of strange people and experience strange adventures...Gyllenhaal is once again spectacular ( he can't make a bad film so it seems), Leto is more than decent as always, Piven's small role is very memorable...unfortunately Selma Blair's lack of acting abilities is distracting. I'm no fan of hers and I never will be. In my opinion, a terrible miscast. The film has a kind of rebellious charm, It's impossible to explain it's appeal. If you're someone who always starts a film with an open mind it's definitely a must-see. Highway doesn't try to be more than it is...it's a simple road-movie with teenagers learning life lessons along the way. A great film to watch with your friends, a good time is guaranteed.
Selena Saha (selenas-1) Highway is a fun, fast paced movie about two best friends exploring life, love and their friendship. I enjoyed this film so much - although some parts of the film do seem a bit pointless (like alligator boy) the characters and the actors casted to play them, make the film a very worthwhile viewing. It deals with issues such as drugs and prostitution without making big, screaming statements about how people should live their lives - it just tells it how it is! I think a lot of people will relate to it, or at least appreciate the humour and elements of emotion in it. There is also a certain vibe between the 2 male leads (Gyllenhaal and Leto) which could have been explored as sexual chemistry or subtext, but instead was depicted as almost brotherly love - which was fine, but personally i would have preferred the movie minus Selma Blair's character. I recommend it!
Tyler I've seen the DVD box for Highway sitting on the shelf at my local video store for ages and I've always passed, opting for something else. One day my best friend suggested hiring it, and I thought why not, I wasn't going to hire it any other time. At first glance it looks like your typical teen-targeted product-placement-riddled road movie. Upon watching it, there is much more to this film than its average cover art lets on.Jared Leto is perfect as the hapless pill-popping "God Of F***" Jack Hayes, and Jake Gyllenhaal is equally suited to the role of Pilot, his stoner child-hood pal. Their performances are commendable, as they generate a feeling of genuine camaraderie between each other. John C. McGinley and Jeremy Piven both come out of nowhere with excellent performances as over-the-top drug dealers. And Selma Blair almost fades into the background; she's not a bad actress but doesn't really do anything to make her performances stand out. The story isn't five star material, but it doesn't have to be, and that's where the movie succeeds, it doesn't try to take itself too seriously.Some of the previous reviews for Highway on this site have been particularly scathing, which is fair enough seeing as each person is entitled to their own opinion, but for people who have yet to see it I suggest giving it a chance before pre-forming an opinion. I personally thought it was a fun, fast paced and unpredictable road movie, much better than some other trash released in '02 (e.g. the laughably lame "The Tuxedo", the feeble Mummy series spin-off sword-in-sandal outing "The Scorpion King", and the pretentiously boring "The Hours" to name a few).After reading the previous reviews, one thing is obvious, the reviewers couldn't connect with the film, and just didn't appreciate it for what it was...fun and entertaining, which is what a good film is supposed to be.