R | 08 April 2015 (USA)
Demolition Trailers

An emotionally desperate investment banker finds hope through a woman he meets.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
jeff-2051 People writing negative reviews of this film are ignorant to their own detriment. No one having suffered blunt force trauma to the soul should write an opinion on a film about blunt force trauma to the soul.My child was shot in the face by a gun. I witnessed the aftermath of the carnage. My brain couldn't even begin to process what I had seen. Jake Gyllenhaal portrays the effects of such trauma as well as I've seen.If you write something negative, nothing truly negative has EVER occurred in your life.
ejonconrad People deal with grief in many ways, but it's hard to believe it would turn someone into a self-centered, unhinged lunatic. And if he did fall that far, it's unlikely that he would snap right back after few convenient plot turns. To Jake Gyllenhaal's credit, he *almost* makes it believable.He plays an investment banker whose wife is killed in a car accident in the first few minutes of the movie. This causes him to question the priorities in his life, alienate everyone around him, and begin to develop a fascination with taking things apart - or just straight up breaking them (ouch! someone just hit me in the head with a blunt metaphor).Through a genuinely original plot device, he starts a relationship with Naomi Watts. She's got her own baggage. Among other things, she has a very troubled teen son, whom she largely ignores, so he has plenty of time to spend with the clearly unstable man she has just welcomed into their lives. Again, Watts is a good enough actress that you kind of forget the fact her character isn't going to win mother of the year.The plot develops through a series of turns and revelations that are all just a bit to neat and contrived. It's not formulaic by any means, but there's never any doubt where it's headed.Chris Cooper turns in his usual great performance as the father of Gyllenhaal's dead wife. He also has the advantage of playing the only character who's behavior seems reasonable.All in all, the movie had a interesting and original premise, but the writer was just a little to impressed with himself.
Cali This movie lacked a lot of depth to me. Jake G is probably my favorite actor right now but this movie was a waste for him. He acted well based on what he was given but the writing isn't great and the character development is not the best. I just didn't understand the choices that the characters make throughout the movie. A movie about grief with an amazing actor at the forefront and a great director behind the screen sounds awesome but this sadly is not! So bummed.
Smoreni Zmaj After 15 minutes I was at the edge of giving up on it... It's good that I didn't. Movie starts a bit slower and it takes some time for viewer to connect with main character and understand what is that all about... and then this movie blows you away. It is not for action fans that seek adrenaline fun, but drama fans will love it.8/10